The beginning

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"You are a plague on this world." Hoverhaul stood over two kids, "Izuku I expected so much more from you." The boy cowered in the man's shadow. "If I wasn't able to get here the outcome would have been much different."

Hoverhaul and the two kids were in the laboratory. Light flickering as the broken parts of the lights sparked sending specs of energy floating down.

Izuku sobbed.

The little girl next to him was too scared to do anything.

Hoverhaul bent down picking up the young teen. He was far too small for his age and weighed less than he looked. Izuku and the girl had bandages on their entire bodies. They were wearing medical uniforms neither had shoes.

Izuku was exhausted from the incident that happened earlier. His body trembled as Overhaul held him. He sobbed, terrified. He cried harder as he buried his head into the side of the man's neck.

Overhaul left the room walking down the hallway holding Izuku the girl following.

"Eri," the man spoke as Izuku was losing consciousness in his arms, "Izuku won't be leaving his room for a while. He is a pluaged child who needs to be quarantined." The man's grip on the boy tightened.

The little girl named Eri was holding Overhaul's shirt following his footsteps, "Is Izuku-chan going to be ok?" Her footsteps slowed down, "Please let me stay with him," She held in a sob.

"You are a curse on this world I cannot leave you with him." Overhaul's eye's met Eris, "You both need to remember. Without me, both of you will kill people. There is no place for you in this world but here."

Eri's eye's brimmed with tears, "Sorry, Sir." Overhaul looked harshly at Eri as she remembered the conversation they had earlier. Quickly fixing her statement she whispered, "Thank you, Father." She tried to dry the drops of tears slowly building threatening to fall.

"Correct because this is the only home you two will ever have." Overhaul opened Eris's room. The little girl walked in hearing the click of the lock closing.

Eri was terrified for Izuku. She has never seen him lose control. All she wanted was to stay with him.

If calling Overhaul father makes her related to him, it means she could call Izuku her brother.

Izuku is the only good thing in her life.

Overhaul was holding the boy as he walked down to his room. The boy had fallen unconscious shortly after he locked Eri in her room. Overhaul was mad. Izuku had been with him for a long time. What happened today was unacceptable.

The man walked into the boy's room. It was completely white. The only splash of cover the room has ever had was the boy himself. His green hair always looked out of place in this white world. The room had two things; a bed, and a table. Instead of blankets and pillows, the bed had straps. The table had no chairs. Even the cameras, caged off from him, were all white with one in every corner of the ceiling.

Overhaul had learned quickly that the boy, Izuku, couldn't be trusted. He used to have other things in his room but with his resourcefulness, everything was confiscated.

Any chance Izuku could get he would try to invent things. The last chance the boy has gotten was over two years ago. It's now the reason the cameras are caged.

His fighting spirit was gone. The boy use to try to escape but he leaned very quirkily that the only place he belonged was with overhaul. He behaved very well until two years ago when Eri showed up. He didn't care about his check-ups, but hers. It's why he lost control today for the first time in three years.

Placing the kid on the bed Overhaul looked disappointing as he left the room.

Izuku's blood has been infiltrating the system for years now. With Eri's blood now being beta tested out there Overhaul's dream is now closer than ever. The disease of heroes, of quirks will end.

Overhaul walked back to the laboratory. It was ravaged. Izuku had lost control and he killed two of the scientist. He wouldn't be seeing Eri for a long time. She is a reward that he's lost.

The man bent down talking one of his white gloves off. He touched the ground shifting the matter under his figures. In minutes, the room was restored not a trace of the destruction could be seen.

Slipping his glove back on he reached to look at a spreadsheet.

Now it was time to finish Eri's check-up. Overhaul was going to help again.


Short chap

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Lost of Mistakes

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