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The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping cheerfully. Today was a bright and beautiful day, totally opposite of what I was feeling. Ever since Cooper left for the army, there has been this certain emptiness inside of me, I feel hollow on the inside. Some days are better than the others, I can manage to stay happy or hopeful most days but, today is not one of those days. Today, I felt very gloomy, as though something really bad has happened. I could feel a dull ache in my chest, my mind was consumed with worry, bad thoughts kept entering my mind.

I was worried about Cooper, even my wolf was feeling very unsettled. Ruby and I haven't been talking much ever since Cooper's departure but I could still feel it when she was restless, after all, she is my wolf, we are connected. I was pacing around the living room, walking from one end to the other. I desperately wanted to go for a run but my subconscious told me that I should be here. I paced around some more, grumbling to myself.

Ding Dong

Th doorbell rang, I ran to the door to see who it was. In the past seven years, whenever the bell rang I hoped that it was Cooper on the other side of the door. With the same aspirations in my heart, I slowly opened the door only to be disappointed, yet again. A short man stood in front of me in the US Postal Service uniform.

"Good morning, madam, how are you doing this fine morning?" asked the postman.

"I am okay, sir, thank you. How are you?" I asked politely.

"I am well, thanks. I have a letter for Mr. and Mrs. Jones" the man said.

"Oh! They aren't here today but I will be happy to sign for it on their behalf" I replied.

"In that case, I will need your name and contact details along with your signature. It is a confidential mail from the Military and has to be given only in the hands of the person it is addressed to".

The military, is it from Cooper? Why would the military send a letter? Cooper sends her letters with her name on it. Did something bad happen? My thoughts were running wild but I managed to focus on the current situation.

"Of course, I will make sure they get it" I replied.

"You can fill this form for me and sign here and here" he says pointing to two different papers.

I finished the paperwork and signed for the letter and the form that said that I will be held responsible if neither Mr.Jones nor Mrs. Jones receives the mail.

I bid goodbye to the man and shut the door. I looked at the letter in my hand, it was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, it was from the military, it was not from Cooper. A dreadful feeling took over my body, I felt very scared. I have never felt this way before.

"Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?" I look up to find Stephanie, we became very good friends after I got back from college, after the initial hating anyway. She walked towards me with concern on her face.

"This letter was just delivered. I am scared Steph, it is for Alpha Barry and Luna Bernice from the military. I am afraid it contains bad news. What if something happened to Cooper?" I voiced my concerns.

"Don't worry, I am sure everything is alright. Cooper is probably coming back hence, the letter. Don't draw any conclusions before Alpha and Luna come back. They will be back from their trip in a few hours, we can give this letter to them then".

"Stephanie, my wolf is quite unsettled, there is dread and fear in my heart. I have a feeling that something bad is happening, I am scared for Cooper. I have never felt this way before, what if she is in trouble?" I asked.

"Hey, its Cooper we are talking about. She killed hundreds of werewolves all alone in a few seconds. She can kill people just by thinking about it, she will be fine. She is the strongest person I know" Stephanie said as she rubbed my arm to comfort me.

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