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It has been a couple of weeks since Dr. Baker diagnosed Cooper with withdrawl. Those few weeks were very stressful for me and painful for Cooper, I practically made her study desk my office. With the vomiting and diarrehea, Cooper lost even more weight. She is getting better now, she is finally getting back the glow on her skin.

"Okay, open up, this is the last one" I said as I scooped up the last of the soup.

Cooper groaned but complied, she ate her soup silently. I had taken up the role of Cooper's nurse for the past couple of weeks. I set the bowl of soup aside and got comfortable on the bed beside her.

I cleared my throat to get Cooper's attention, she was watching Rick and Morty on her laptop. Cooper looked up at me, she paused her show to give me her full attention.

"This weekend I will not be here, I will be out of town to attend the Annual Werewolf Council Meeting" I said.

"I will come with you" Cooper said. I was about to open my mouth to say no but she beat me to it,  "Before you protest, I am feeling much better now and I feel its time for me to take over my co-aplha role again" Cooper cut me off before I could say anything.

"You can't come without Dr. Baker's permission, she needs to give you the green light" I said sternly.

"Yeah, fine" Cooper said as she got back to watching her show again.


The weekend could not have come sooner, I was very worried about Cooper coming to this trip. She had not regained her full strength, the road trip was a few hours long but it could get tiring.

"Are you sure you packed your medicines?" I asked again.

"For the fifth time, yes, I have packed all my medcation. I have also packed a sick bag, I have all the essentials I need" Cooper said, giving me a soft re-assuring smile.

"I am sorry, I am just worried. The road trip can get exhausting" I said.

"I understand. I am sure that I will be fine because I have a pretty nurse like you taking care of me" Cooper winked.

A blush arose to my cheeks, I looked away and pretended to scoff. "I have packed multivitamins water, water bottles and a bottle of fresh orange juice for you to drink. I have asked the hotel to replenish the multivitamin water for us when we reach there. They will also replenish our stock for the return trip" I informed.

"Okay, are we ready to head out now?"

"Yes. You start, I will get the bags. Walk slowly" I more or less commanded Cooper.

Cooper groaned and was about to protest when I picked up the bags but the look on my face made her shut up. There was no way I was going to let her carry any bags. We walked down and out of the pack house. Cooper got into the passenger seat and I was loading up the boot with our bags. I opened the back seat door and got a brown bag before taking my seat.

"Here" I said handing over the brown bag to Cooper. "Eat some breakfast".

I got some sandwiches, blueberry muffins, coffee and some pineapple juice. Cooper opened the brown bag and took out the pinepple juice boxes and the sandwiches. She handed me one juice boxes while she took the other one. I took a sip from my juice box before placing it in the cup holder. Cooper opened the sandwich box, she took out one slice.

"Alright, open up" Cooper said as she brought the slice of sandwich near my mouth.

"I will eat later, Coop. You eat first" I said.

"I am fully capable of eating and feeding you at the same time. So open up, missy" Cooper demanded.

I opened my mouth and took a bite out of the sandwich. Cooper would feed me one slice then eat one herself. I would sip the juice in between bites. After we were done with our breakfast only coffee remained, I didn't want to have that yet because I was full.

I turned up the air conditioning in the car, the music was on low. I handed over my phone to Cooper so that she could change the music if she liked.

"Get some sleep for a few hours, I will wake you up when we stop" I said after a while, I didn't want Cooper to get tired.

"No, I am fine" she said.

Her eyes were getting slightly droopy. The medicines were making her sleepy but she was fighting it.

I lowered the music a little bit so that she would eventually fall asleep. About twenty minutes later, Cooper was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. A few hours later, I stopped at a diner for some lunch. I parked the car and turned off the engine. I removed my  seatbelt and looked to my right side. Cooper was still sleeping, her face looked peaceful. She had a gentle smile on her face. I fought the urge to let her sleep, I shook her awake, calling out her name.

Cooper groaned and turned her face away from me. I brought my hand to her cheek, I gave her a slight tap on her cheek and called out her name again. This time she fluttered her eyes, slowly she opened them. I smiled at her when she opened her eyes completely.

"I stopped at a diner for us to have lunch" I informed.

Cooper rubbed her eyes as she sat up straight. "Hmm... sure, I think I am hungry."

I nodded my head and got out of the car. I helped Cooper out of the car before we started walking to the diner. We were sat down by the hostess who was very cheerful. I excused myself to the restroom. When I came back, the waitress was trying to flirt with Cooper. She was batting her eyelashes and laughing. Cooper on the other hand, seemed a bit uncomfortable.

I walked towards them, my eyes on the waitress glaring holes in her head. I swear, I could snap her neck, I was so jealous. I sat down next to Cooper this time, leaving no space between us. My legs touched hers.

"Are you ready to order, honey?" I asked Cooper in a sickly sweet voice.

Cooper seemed a little taken aback by my actions but nodded her head anyway.

"I would like a cheese burger and a water please" Cooper ordered.

"I would like the same please" I said as I handed over both of our menus to the waitress to get her moving.

After the waitress had left, I was a little embarrassed to face Cooper. I slowly turned my head and looked at her.

"You seemed a little uncomfortable with her advances so I intervened, I hope I didn't overstep".

"I am thankful you did that, she was coming on too strong" Cooper replied.

We engaged in some small talk until the food arrived. When the waitress came to our table with our food, I hooked my arm with Cooper's and pretended to be whispering something in her ear. Cooper's ears were red and I could see the waitress giving me a nasty look from my peripheral vision.

"Enjoy your meal" said the waitress and stomped away. I chuckled at her antics.We gobbeled down our food quickly and then we were back on the road.

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