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Bonnie was with Lea in her room, packing for the Salvatore School. "Are you positive Bonnie", asked Lea. "I mean, going to the school full time is not gonna be as fun as traveling the world with Caroline for her magic solution for the twins".

"I am positive", says Bonnie. "I promised your mom. And I thought you like Lizzie and Josie".

"I love them", says Lea. "Their my best friends, but Hope is gonna be there and everytime she's around it's weird. I know I always asked you and mom about my father, but now I know. I just want to tell her".

"Well you can't. Not now", says Bonnie. "Soon. You and Hope are best friends also. Isn't that enough".

"Yeah, I guess", says Lea. "But you and mom didn't find out you both were sisters til it was to late. I don't want it to be like that with Hope. And Lizzie and Josie keeps telling me to defriend Hope".

"Well, your 16, about toy be 17, Lea", says Bonnie. "Whatever you choose, I will stand by your side".

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Lea runs to open it, and when she does her face drops. "Alaric. Come one", says Lea. "I thought Lizzie and Jo was coming".

"Well, I thought you would be happy to see me, Lea", says Alaric.

"Trust me I am", says Lea. "I have a reputation to uphold. I can't be seen hugging an old man. They would think I gone soft".

"Well, then I guess I won't tell you where Lizzie and Josie is", says Alaric.

"Well, it's a good thing Im a physic", says Lea. She looks over his shoulder and see Lizzie and Josie in the car. She screams and jumps up and down and runs towards the car, the same time Lizzie and Josie get out of the car. But Lea turns back around and hugs Alaric. "Thank you for picking me up, Ric". She turns back around and heads for Lizzie and Josie when they all scream and hug each other, and start talking about the biggest gossip in school.

Bonnie looks at Lea and smiles. "Thank you, Ric".

"No problem, Bonnie", says Alaric. "I promise to keep her safe. She's like a daughter to me. I promised Nia, I would do whatever it takes".

"I know", says Bonnie. "This year is different. She'll be at the Salvator school full time. She's usually traveling the world with Caroline or learning magic or trying to find more about her wolf side".

Bonnie thinks about everything they been through together. "Do they know", she point to Alaric girls.

"No", says Alaric. "But even if they did, they would never tell me. The whole school knows she's a witch. Not just a witch, but a Bennett witch".

"Good", says Bonnie. "We don't need him finding her, Alaric".

"He won't", says Alaric. "Even if he does, Lea and Hope is alike".

"But Lea is powerful", says Bonnie. "She's different. She a psychic like Cade, she's apart of a powerful wolf clan, she's a Bennet witch and a vampire. She still figuring out her powers. It nothing I ever seen. And as for him, he wouldn't even look at Hope, not when he has Lea".

"Maybe we should tell her", says Alaric. "She already knows, about the Gemini coven, the merge, Hope, her mother, Klaus. Why not this. She should be ready".

"This is dark magic, we are talking about Ric", Bonnie whispers. "We might've locked him up, but I have a feeling he will comeback".

Lea come back to the door where Alaric and Bonnie was, "we're getting my stuff and coming back out".

After they was done, it was time for Lea to go start the next chapter in her life. She gives Bonnie a hug, a tight hug, "thank you for everything, Bonnie. You been the best".

"Your welcome, Lea", says Bonnie. "I'll see you again. Thanksgiving break right".

"Yes, and Christmas, and New Years", says Lea. "Tell my cousins I said goodbye. I wish they could be here".

"Yeah, you know they wanted to visit my mom before school started, but I will tell them", says Bonnie.

Then Lea was gone. Heading to her next destination. The Salvator School: For the Gifted.

Everyone gets out the car. The girls get Lea luggage and boxes. "Welcome Home, Lea".

"Thanks Professor Saltman", says Lea. "And question, who will I be staying with".

"Hope", he says, which scares Lea. The good way, I think.
It's been a week since Lea settled into the Salvatore School, and her roommate, Hope have been the best company.

"So who is he", Lea asked.

"Who's who", Hope answered as they was getting ready for bed.

"The boy that has you glowing", says Lea. "And I known you for a long time, Hope. You don't glow".

"He's nobody", says Hope.

"You can trust me Hope", says Lea. "I won't tell Lizzie or Josie. Roommate honor".

Hope playfully rolls her eyes and lays down next to Lea in her bed, and smiles, "His name is Landon. He's human of course. But he's cute and funny".

"What's stopping you", says Lea. "Other than you being supernatural and all. Your hot Hope".

"I don't know", says Hope. "Maybe it is the supernatural thing. Anyway, I'll be out tomorrow night".

"You and Alaric chasing someone down", asked Lea.

"Yeah", Hope says. "You know you can come. Im sure Professor Saltman won't mind".

"I would love to, but you know by the time you guys come back it would be morning", says Lea. "And I am apart of the welcoming committee. Yah, me".

Hope get into her own bed, both girl turns their lamps off, in their nightstand. "But good luck, tomorrow", Lea says.

"Night, Lea", says Hope.

"Night, Hope".
Lea wakes up in a forest. Full of people, but she doesn't recognize them. Then she suddenly hears a familiar voice. "Lea", it said. Lea turns around and sees her mom, so she runs over to her and hugs her.

"Mom, your here", says Lea. "How".

"Im in your dream, my beautiful daughter", says Nia, her mother.

"I miss you, mom", says Lea.

"I miss you too, Lea", says Nia. "Make sure your careful out there, Lea. Watch your back".

"I will", says Lea. She sees her mom disappearing. "Where you going", she asked.

"No, where", says Nia. "But you my child are waking up. First day of school, Lea. Have fun".

Lea wakes up to her alarm, and Hope standing in front of the dresser, "you talk in your sleep, Bennet", she says.

"And you snore, Mikealson", Lea says.

"Time for school", Hope said

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