Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn

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'No legacy is so rich as honesty. When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I've just never met them any of them'.

'It should be said Shakespeare wasn't completely clueless. He had plenty of advice about how to handle betrayal. My personal favorite: Think, therefore, in revenge and cease to weep'.
A couple days, after Landon took the ancient knife, Alaric made plans to go find him. But today was also the day of the big Game. Salvatore Stallion versus the Mystic Falls Timberwolves.

Lizzie and Josie were walking to class when they were stopped by their father, Alaric. "Hey, girls listen", he says.

"Don't do it", Josie says. "Don't say whatever it is you're about to say because you have Dad face, and where lever Dad face goes, daughter disappointment always follows".

"Im sorry. I can't make the game today", Alaric says.

"But, Dad, you're the coach", Josie says.

"And Im QB1 this year", Lizzie says.

"I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby", Alaric says.

"Okay, so let's cancel", Josie says. "I mean, it's a joke anyways. We can't use our powers, so we suck".

"Exactly. Which is a normal school for troubled Roch kids things to do", Alaric says. "This annual event lets the local see you for what they think you are. And keeps them from asking too many questions".

"But they mock us", Lizzie says.

"Because they're insecure small-town kids with small minds", Alaric says. "So just let it be. Look, girls, with Landon running around, knowing all our secrets, we have to protect our profile now more than ever. Can I count on you guys to do that? Alright. I love you both. We'll be back as soon as we can".

"Wait. Who's we?", Lizzie asks.
Hello?", Hope asks.

"Hey", Rafael says, coming from underneath the car, then going back under.

"What are you doing?", Hope asks.

"Adjusting the sway bar", Rafael says.

"Was it broken?", Hops asks.

"It is now", Rafael says, coming from underneath the car, with the sway bar in his hands. "Your going after Landon. If you want this car to work, I'm going with you".

"You should stay out of it. He's a liar and a thief", Hope says.

"He took a stupid knife", Rafael says.

"Nothing in this school is a stupid anything", Hope says.

"Look. He's my best friend", Rafael says. "And you? You seem vengeful".

"Let me show you something", Hope says.

She reaches out for his, hand when he hesitantly pulls back. But he soon goes for it. Hope shows his what happened in the bus, the bus Landon was on.

"What the hell was that?", Rafael asks.

"Your best friend did that to a bus full of people on Route 29 last night, and I am the only one who knows how to find him, so give me the engine thingy", Hope says.

"No", Rafael says.

"I have actual magic powers", Hope says.

"And I have an long history of anger issues", Rafael says.

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