Twenty One.

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The house was quiet except for the sound of Changbin biting his nails. Felix was as silent as the couch he was sitting on. Although his sunglasses were hiding his eyes, he looked sleep deprived. The boy couldn't let his eyes rest because Aria didn't come back home after she stormed out the night before.

She didn't even put on her cardigan and left wearing a thin shirt. He called many times but she never answered. By two in the morning, he called Changbin to check if he knows anything about Aria, but the boy was clueless. By six, they both were sitting in the living room of Aria's house, biting their nails.

It was already eleven and the two boys were done with waiting when Felix's ears caught a shuffling sound from the front door. He jumped to his feet and rushed to the door, snatching it open.

"Where wer-" Felix started yelling but stopped once he noticed that it wasn't his sister.

Changbin stood behind him, looking at the figure ahead. There was Seungmin, looking back at them with his usual twinkling eyes. Seungmin blinked a few times before he pulls a folded paper from his pocket and hands it to Felix. He then bowed briefly to the two boys, turned around, and left.

Felix and Changbin looked at each other with confusion. Changbin snatched the paper from Felix's hand and started reading it aloud.

"Good morning, this is Seungmin. Aria is at my house. She came last night and stayed over. She told me she had a fight with you but didn't go with the details. I don't know what happened but she really regrets what she said and done to you and her friend. She knows that you care about her a lot. So, go easy on her when she comes back cause she wants to apologize but doesn't know how. She didn't eat anything and I didn't make breakfast before I leave cause I don't know how to cook, and there is nothing edible in my house anyways.

Ps. She slept downstairs."

Felix sighed closing the door. At least she was safe. He looked over to Changbin who was still looking at the paper in his hand. He had a weird pout on his face.

"He doesn't sound like a bad guy." Changbin said.

"He doesn't look like a bad one too." Felix added.

"Then, why the hell we were being mean to her?"

"I don't know! Maybe we were being overprotective." Felix shrugged his shoulders and walked to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for his sister.

Meanwhile, Aria was stretching her sleepy limbs. She opened her lazy eyes and sat upright with a loud yawn that her jaws clicked from how wide she had her mouth open. She then scratched her scalp a few times while looking around.

Seungmin's house was much smaller than hers. She got up to her feet and started walking around. She didn't see a bathroom around, so she guessed it was upstairs. Aria took the stairs up while praying that Seungmin would be still sleeping. She didn't want to confront him with her puffed face and bed hair.

Aria made it to the second floor and as she expected, there were only two doors. Aria made her way to the first door and her hand grasped the handle to open it, but the door was locked. Aria scrunched up her face. She tried to open it again but her attempts were avail so, she gave up and walked to the second door that opened easily, showing a bathroom. Aria walked in and was about to close the door behind her but stopped to look at the opposing door one more time.

Why would he lock his bedroom? What does he have inside? Maybe he sleeps naked like most guys? Maybe he's hiding something, or someone? Maybe.

As always, Aria was left with many questions and a lot of maybes.

WORDS. |Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now