Chapter Seven - Mr Prince Charming

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TW: There is going to be some physically violent scenes in this chapter so please be wary before continuing!


"W-what? You're leaving me, L-leo?" Melody stuttered as she looked up, accusingly, at her man. Her eyes clouded with tears as soon as she had registered Dylan's implication. The concept of losing Leonardo felt like agony and every muscle in her body tensed.

"Baby, I've been meaning to tell you-", Leonardo began to explain before he was interrupted by the girl in a frantic state.

"Oh my god! You are, aren't you? You're leaving me!" She cried in exasperation. Fear and anger consumed her as she determinedly tried to shove her way out of the man's hold. She felt sick to her stomach.

"Melody, listen to me." Leonardo commanded with an authority not to be challenged. He hated being interrupted more than anything and Melody's advances to move away from him had made him furious. In his view, the girl should know not to ever push him away, no matter what foolish conclusion she had jumped to. Melody was his, and she should trust him with her life. "I am not leaving you. I'm required to attend a short business trip but I will come back to you." He promised with an unquestionable certainty.

"But, w-why aren't you taking me with you?" Melody objected. The girl was hurt that Leonardo wanted to spend time without her there. She was convinced that he was using this trip to get away from her.

Leonardo sighed at her question, his previous expression of solemnity softening considerably. "It's not safe for you, my love." He reasoned. Contradicting to Melody's beliefs, the man would do anything to spend every second of every minute with his girl, but her safety with his number one priority. He would always protect her, even if it meant having to be away from her for a while.

"B-but that's not fair. If you can go then I should be able to go too... right Kai?" Melody argued, failing miserably to mask the anxiety in her voice. She turned to her friend, hoping he would support her and help convince her Leo otherwise.

Kai looked down at the scared girl in pity - he despised seeing her sad but he knew Leonardo was right. "I'm sorry princess, he's right. It's not safe." He agreed, and noticed Leonardo subtly nod in approval at his answer.

Melody was hurt by the betrayal of her friend. She fell into a state of despair as she yanked on her hair in distress which her man immediately put a stop to, forbidding his girl from causing herself pain. "But you promised me Leo! You pinky promised that you wouldn't ever leave!" She shouted accusingly, recalling their recent conversation.

"Are you deaf, little girl? I just said that I would come back. Fucking listen!" He yelled in her face, causing her to go quiet and shrink under his arms. He hated the reminder that he would shortly be spending time away from his girl - he could not control his anger.

"Leonardo..." Kai warned, disliking how the man was speaking to the girl.

"It's fine, Kai. Leonardo's made it quite clear that he no longer cares about upsetting me," Melody whispered in defeat, a melancholic expression washing over her face. Her man froze at her usage of his full name - he had truly hurt her. Taking advantage of his shocked state, Melody, successfully, scrambled out of his lap and rushed out of the restaurant, ignoring the distraught callings of her name that echoed behind.


Melody was unsure of how much time had passed since she had taken her dramatic leave from the restaurant, nor did she appear to care. Her thoughts were consumed by the nearing absence of her man. Since she had known Leonardo, she had spent a maximum of a few days in total without seeing him. She could no longer imagine her life without him - not that she ever wanted to. He absorbed all her time, inhabited all her dreams and stole all her love. He was her 24/7 and the idea of being away from him broke her.

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