Chapter 27 - 'Middlemarch'

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Third Person Pov:


Melody tilted her head slightly as her eyes travelled along the towering book shelves, sifting through the various titles and authors until she found one that spiked her interest. She smiled nostalgically to herself as her eyes landed on George Eliot's 'Middlemarch'. As an individual with a zeal for literature, Melody had always been an avid admirer of George Eliot's' work and she had always kept 'Middlemarch' close to her heart. Perhaps it was the way she resonated with the heroine of the novel - Dorothea - as whilst Melody held an envious appreciation for her cunning wit, she did feel that she shared Dorothea's luminous hope for life and the future. Unknown to the naive girl, like Dorothea, Melody's light was also becoming dimmed by the shadow of an overtly controlling man.

Carefully pulling the book out the shelf, Melody happily skipped out of the Library room and towards Leonardo's office in which he was diligently at work. Her fists knocked a gentle tune on the tall wooden doors and she animatedly rolled on her the hooves of her feet, waiting to be answered. As soon as she heard a muffled huff of confirmation she swung open the door, swiftly flew inside and rushed towards the perplexed man. "Leo! Leo! Guess what I found!"

"Woah there baby, slow down,"
Leonardo gently scolded knowing that his girl was still recovering, but he could not repress his soft chuckle as he observed her childlike enthusiasm. "What have you got there sweet girl?" He inquired as he curiously attempted to sneak a peak at the mysterious object Melody kept hidden behind her back.

Melody beamed in excitement before triumphantly whipping the book out from her back before planting in front of Leonardo on his desk. Skimming the title, a soft nostalgic smile pulled at the corners of the stoic man's lips due to the memories the novel brought.

When Melody had initially moved in with Leonardo the poor girl was regularly burdened with night terrors of the past which disrupted both their slumbers. Afterwards, Melody always struggled to fall back to sleep and it was Leonardo who proposed to replace her bad dreams with an alternative fantasy - those found between words on a page.

In fact, the first time the couple instigated this ritual Melody had insistently requested 'Middlemarch'. Whilst Leonardo did not query her choice at the time he later discovered that part of the reason to why the book held so much significance to Melody was because, for much of her life, it was one of the few books she owned. Melody revealed to Leonardo that, due to their family's lack of money, she had only possessed three books growing up: one picture book from when she was little, a biology textbook she had accidentally kept from the short period she had attended school, and a 2nd hand copy of 'Middlemarch' in which Melody had scraped together the little money she had to buy herself for her 14th birthday. His girl's tragic tale had caused melancholic tears to trickle down his face as he started to comprehend the extent of things Melody had been deprived of growing up. The very next day, Leonardo began to build Melody her very own Library in their house.

"'Middlemarch' huh? We haven't read this in a long time, have we sweet girl?" Leonardo mumbled as his fingers traced the creases of the evidently loved book.

"I know! I guess all the fantasy must have replaced all the bad stuff because my bad dreams are so much less frequent Leo! Just like you said!" Melody beamed contently, her eyes shining with a proud glimmer at her conclusion.

Softly joining Melody in a smile, Leonardo ushered his girl into his longing arms as he remained seated behind his desk and she moved to stand between his legs. "Exactly right beautiful, the darkness is no match for my sunshine," he stated before tickling her sides, prompting her to emit a melodious giggle at the sensation. "What was it you wanted exactly sweetheart?" Leonardo inquired after Melody's laughter fizzled out.

"Well, I though, maybe, if you wanted to, we could start to read the book together? You know, just like old times..." Melody grinned, bouncing on his lap slightly in anticipation of his answer.

Leonardo swore this girl couldn't get any more adorable if she tried as his heart swelled with a comfortable warmth at her words. God, did he love her. "That sounds absolutely wonderful my precious girl. Why don't you go get settled on the sofa in the lounge and I'll go fetch us some hot coco and cookies before we start, how does that sound?"

"That would be perfect! I am so excited!" Melody sung his praises as she leapt further into his arms to place a sweet kiss of gratitude on his lips. The kiss was intimate and soft and both individuals relished in the tingles that spread from the others touch. Slowly pulling back, Melody gazed up at the man in sincere admiration. "I will always appreciate you Leo."

Leonardo's heart clenched at her words that were so simple and yet encased so much meaning to him. "And I, you, my beautiful sunshine."


Yes, I'm still here! Sorry this is a short but sweet chapter. Happy Easter my lovely readers. 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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