Chapter Eight - Aftercare

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Melody was awoken by the hushed quarreling of two eminently vexed voices. Curiously, her eyes fluttered open and she groaned in discomfort as her head began to incessantly pound. Initially, the girl's heart rate spiked with alarm as she noted that she was in the backseat of moving vehicle but her worries soon dissipated upon seeing Leonardo staring back at her from the front of the car. He had taken notice of Melody stirring in her sleep and had immediately silenced the bickering Kai who was driving exceedingly over the speed limit.

Like Leonardo, Kai had been furious to learn Melody had been manhandled and nearly assaulted by some lowlife in an ally. He had quickly followed Leonardo's steps in beating the man half to death but was abruptly stopped by Leonardo voicing his desire to have the final honor. Fulfilling his wish, as soon as Kai assured Leonardo that Melody was safely transferred into his car, he had ended the man's misery. Whilst Leonardo would have preferred to pro-long his suffering and teach him the true meaning of pain, he was overcome with need to be by his girl's side. After seeing her distraught state he was extremely on edge and felt compelled to be near her. He was, however, comforted by the knowledge that the pedophile who had hurt his girl no longer walked the earth.

"Come here", Leonardo mumbled as he reached out his arms for her. Hesitantly, Melody undid her seatbelt and moved closer to her man who's hands gently seized her waist and lifted her across the drivers console and onto his lap. "Sorry for waking you, angel", he muttered apologetically as he trailed soft kisses down her neck. In that moment, the man needed to have some type of physical contact with his girl - he needed the reassurance that she was, in fact, safe and in his arms.

"Hello sleepyhead, how are you feeling?" Kai quizzed in a playful tone and Melody's eyes lit up in excitement as she finally became aware of her friend's presence.

"Kai!" She brightened and leapt towards him to plant a welcoming peck on his cheek. Leonardo instantly dragged her back to him - not liking the distance put between them.

"He asked you a question baby", Leonardo pushed as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. He too, wanted to know how the girl was handing the recent events.

"Right, sorry. Um... I think I'm
okay", Melody whispered as uncertainty laced her words. She did not wish to worry the two concerned men but she could not help the sadness that she felt at the reminder of that horrible person.

Leonardo hummed quietly against her soft skin. He was certain that the girl was lying; he knew she was not okay but he also did not want to push her in the vulnerable state she was in.

Suddenly, a mischievous thought came to the girl and she turned to Leonardo as her mood slightly improved. "Hey, Leo?"

"Yes, darling?" He replied, an amused smirk pulled at his lips at the devious glint in her eye.

"Since I'm still really shaken up by what happened, and probably will be for a longgg time, how about I come with you on your business trip?" she cheeked, making the most out of a bad situation.

Leonardo's jaw ticked unhappily at the thought of his girl remaining upset but he easily saw through her exaggerations. "We're not discussing this right now" he definitively replied, hoping to put and end to the sprouting conversation.

"Oh, come on. I know I would feel better if I were with you and I'm sure you would too. Don't be so damn headstrong." Kai laughed at the girl's negotiations and Melody gazed up at her man with a hopeful look.

"Melody baby, I know you've had a very bad evening and I'm sure you're feeling a lot worse than you're letting on which is why I'm going to let that slide. However, I strongly advise you to stop talking." Melody's continuation of the subject and her final remark had made Leonardo flush with anger but he managed to refrain from disciplining her and instead let her off with a snide warning.

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