Chapter 13 - Blissful Apologies

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Melody's POV:

"Melody baby, wake up." A husky voice interrupts my sleep and I instinctively shake my head in disagreement and nuzzle further into the source of warmth that surrounds me. A deep chuckle rings in my ears and a soft smile automatically pulls at my lips at the sound. "Come on sweetheart, it's time to get up", the voice nudges and I groan in discontent and mutter quiet profanities. When I show no signs of following their instructions the voice continues with a much more demanding tone. "Melody, wake your ass up right now. Don't make me tell you again." And just like that, I'm up.

"What do you want? Can't you just let me sleep", I whine and attempt to roll onto my side when two large arms lock around my waist and hold me firmly in place. My eyes reluctantly open to digest my surroundings and I blush a little as I realize that I am lying completely on top of Leonardo with our legs entangled together. I note that we have moved to a rather luxurious bed and I struggle to remember how we got here.

"How are you feeling?" Leo questions inquisitively and my eyebrows furrow as he simply ignores my protests.

"I think I'm okay ... what happened last night? I don't really remember", I ask as I note the daylight shining through the scarce curtains.

"Well after you showed up here, I took you to the couch and you fell asleep on top of me after a while. Then I moved us both to the bedroom as I doubt you would have been very pleased with me if I let you sleep on the sofa," he explains amusedly and begins to toy with my messy hair. God, I must look crazy right now.

"O-oh. Well, thank you." I smile awkwardly, feeling a little unsure with the current situation. I was so upset last night that I hadn't properly comprehended Leo's reaction to my arrival.
Was he angry at me?

A relaxed grin took over his face as he sat up so his back was resting against the headboard and pulled me into his chest. "No need to thank me love", his melodious chuckle rang through the air once again and I cannot help but breathe in his familiar scent as my face presses against his bare skin. I sigh contently and and wrap my arms around his neck. "Are you sure you're okay now?"

"I'm sure. Thank you for helping to calm me down last night", I mutter appreciations as I snuggle further into him, my eyes closing on their own accord.

"Oh no you don't, you're not going back to sleep. Now that you're okay, we're going to have a nice long talk little girl." His words make me freeze in place and my eyes shoot open. Shit.

"Oh, um... do we have to?" I nervously object and move back from him slightly as I anxiously pull at my fingers.

"Yes, we do have to." Well fuck me sideways. Slowly, his hands grasp my waist and he effortlessly transfers me off his lap. He then gets up from the bed and moves so that he is standing with his legs in between my thighs as I remain seated on the duvet. I gulp as I cautiously look up, my head barely reaches the bottom of his chest as he towers above me and my eyes widen at the compromising position.

"So... um... w-what do you want to talk about?" I attempt to break the tense silence and internally curse myself for my shaky voice.

He laughs deeply; humorlessly. A fearful shiver crawls it's way up my spine and I release a quivering breath. He is so mad. One of his hands moves to wrap around my neck almost casually and my eyes grow as wide as saucers. A devilish smirk tugs at his lips merely worsening my anxiety. "Well, we could talk about you leaving the house without asking me, or we could talk about you hanging up the phone on me, or you disappearing for an entire day or how about you going to your Mother's when you know you're not allowed to." He says with a playful tone but I can tell his words are anything but playful.

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