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Katherine McNamara as Sylvia Maximoff

Katherine McNamara as Sylvia Maximoff

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- The Hex Witch -
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Sylvia is a native of Sokovia who grew up with her younger siblings, Pietro and Wanda. She developed a hatred against Tony Stark and rallied anti-American protests after the Novi Grad Bombings killed her parents. Many years later, in an effort to help purge their country of strife, Sylvia's siblings joined HYDRA and agreed to undergo experiments with the Scepter under the supervision of Baron Strucker. While the twins chose to undergo HYDRA experiments, Sylvia was pressurized to join her siblings, as she worried for their well-being. As much as she tried to convince the pair that they shouldn't join HYDRA, they would question her but she was never able to tell the truth.

The Mind Stone awakened and amplified Wanda's powers, as she was born with the ability to harness Chaos magic. While Pietro developed super-speed and Wanda attained various psionic abilities, Sylvia harnessed various abilities of the Power Stone.

Unlike Wanda who was tested with the Mind Stone, Sylvia had come across the Power Stone and with the added experiments, she inherited many abilities. She could create force fields and energy blasts, along with partial mind control which gave her the ability to inflict pain without lifting a single finger. Sylvia had telekinesis, and was able to disintegrate various objects and living beings from the inside out. The Power Stone gave Sylvia access to manipulate all forms of energy as well as enhance her own physical strength and durability. At full potential, the Power Stone can even grant omnipotence.

Sylvia was hesitant on joining HYDRA because she had an encounter with its valuable asset, The Winter Soldier. She wasn't a target, but she was a witness to a gruesome murder, and one of HYDRA's rules are to leave no witnesses behind. The Winter Soldier shot Sylvia in her left leg and right arm, but she survived. They weren't lethal puncture wounds which made her think if he was going to torture her before taking her life away, but she quickly realized he wasn't that cruel. The man was fighting with himself to gain control over his body, and in the small window of time where his real self broke through, he let Sylvia go. He told her to run away, and hoped his other side won't track her down to kill her.

When HYDRA fell, the siblings joined Ultron to get their revenge on Stark, but abandoned him when they discovered his true intentions to eradicate humanity. Instead of siding with Ultron, the siblings chose to side with the Avengers to help defeat Ultron. Unfortunately, the battle against Ultron resulted in the ruins of Sokovia, leaving the trio behind with no home to return to.

The battle of Sokovia also resulted in the death of Wanda and Sylvia's brother, Pietro. He opted to use his abilities to save Clint Barton and a little kid, which caused many bullets to pierce his body. Wanda and Sylvia were relocated in the Avenger's Compound in the United States of America.

The next year was spent looking for Steve's best friend, Bucky Barnes, who happened to be the same man Sylvia once came across. She was close to finding him, but he was better at being on the run, and it seemed as if he did not want to be found. She wanted to help find Bucky Barnes because she owed it to him, after all he spared her life.

Unfortunately, due to continuous accidents that occurred by the Avengers, the governments of many different countries created the Sokovia Accords. Every Avenger was supposed to sign and hand over their freedom to the government as they felt threatened by enhanced beings grouped together. Sylvia Maximoff, along with Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Clint Barton were against the government regulation.

Bucky Barnes was framed for the bombing of the UN where the Sokovia Accords were supposed to be signed. This helped the group who were looking for Bucky but it also brought a lot of unwanted attention.

Since the group of Avengers did not sign the Accords, they all became criminals. In the group, the names Scott Lang, and Bucky Barnes were added.

After the dust settled down, Bucky Barnes was innocent yet he was still a wanted man by the government. He was brought to safety in Wakanda where he learned about the possibility of removing the trigger words that activate The Winter Soldier. He is put in cryostasis chamber until the Wakandans know how to get rid of the trigger words.

It will take time, perhaps months and maybe even years, but Sylvia is waiting for the day he's free. She feels some sort of attachment to him, as a best friend. The hours they've spent together before he was in Wakanda, they connected. Bucky spoke to her, he remembered her, and felt awfully guilty for piercing her body with bullets.

After joining the Avengers, Sylvia felt like she had a purpose, she thought of them as another family. But, after the Accords ruined everything, she felt lost. Sure, she kept in touch with the others, but she always had to make sure they were on a secure line which couldn't be tracked, nor could they meet up without the overlooking paranoia in their minds.

Natasha, one of Sylvia's closest friend had to switch her identity many times, as she switched teams and sided with Captain America. Steve and Sam, they're together but their location is still unknown, probably for the best. Bucky Barnes is in Wakanda, and the King promised that he wouldn't let anyone get to him. Scott Lang, also known as Ant-man, is on house arrest for a couple years. Clint Barton was also placed under house arrest after he made a deal with Thaddeus Ross and returned to his retirement. Wanda Maximoff is also off the radar with Vision, a humanoid that the former has fallen in love with. Wanda has kept her magic under control, which basically means she's not using it at all. She's afraid, not of what she's capable of, but of what others think of her.

Sylvia. What about Sylvia, where has she gone? She's completely off the radar, not one person knows where she went. She's kept her magical tendencies under control, for the most part as she's grown used to the surge of energy she feels every time. Sylvia, like Natasha, has changed her identity many times, she often forgets her fake alias. The one, and only connection she has is with her younger sister. Wanda and Sylvia have figured out a way to connect to each other without actually communicating. They appear in each other's dreams, or sometimes even during the day, as their magic is very close but not the same.

Sylvia still doesn't know what she is, sure she has the abilities from the Power Stone, but doesn't exactly remember how she got them. Is she a witch, but she doesn't cast spells. Is she a mutant, but she was born human. All she's known as is an enhanced person, the same description Steve Rogers said when he first found her in the HYDRA base.

Sylvia likes to throw the government off her trail for fun sometimes. As she quickly got bored of running, she decided to have some fun. She would purposely let the government follow her lead, right into her trap. But right before they get to her, she leaves a wisp of her magic, which lets them know that once again, they couldn't get her. They never could. And if they did, it'll be an insult to her.

She doesn't know how long she'll be on the run for, and if she will ever be pardoned. Currently she was debating whether she liked the thrill she gets more or if she prefers to be with the people she loves. But either way, she doesn't really have a choice other than to find another place to live.

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