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- The Hex Witch -

- The Hex Witch -

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Sylvia couldn't sleep, no matter how much she tried. It was starting to become a reoccurring issue, every time she moved to a new location, she couldn't sleep until she knew she was safe. Instead of looking at the awfully boring hotel room art framed on the wall, Sylvia decided to take a walk outside.

New Orleans is known to be a true melting pot of cultures, it has a wealth of unique heritage and proud traditions. Though awfully quiet during the night, Sylvia wonders what it'll be like during the day. As she walked through the French Quarter, she heard a loud whistle. She secretly follows the sound and sees a large group of people, divided in two, clearly being able to tell the difference.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? I gotta tell you Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight. Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson" the man who looked like the leader of one of the groups spoke up. Sylvia made sure to be hidden in the shadows, if they were vampires, she didn't want to be a target again.

"We're putting her to rest Marcel. Leave us alone" Soph replied to the man, Marcel.

"I never said you could move the body. Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason: send a message. If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practice magic in the Quarter and yet a little birdy informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious. Oh, yeah. While I have you, quick Q&A. My old friend - the hybrid, Klaus - he just happened to show up out of the blue asking for, of all people, Jane-Anne. Any idea why?" Marcel questioned.

From the conversation, Sylvia could make out the two different groups, vampires who were with Marcel, and witches who were with the woman. She also wondered why witches cannot practice magic, is that why Elijah was concerned if she was a witch? Can she not use her powers here?

"I don't know. Witches don't get involved in vampire business"

The conversation went on, and Marcel ended up ordering his group to take the body of Jane-Anne, while her sister pleaded for him to stop.

Sylvia has only spent a couple hours in this city yet the amount of drama she's witnessed is enough for a week. The good in her wanted to help the woman, but she had to remind herself that she was on the run, which meant she was supposed to stay in the shadows. If she made herself known to the leader of the vampire as it seems, a lot of problems would be caused.

She turned around and walked in the other direction. Sylvia could feel the presence of someone else, and it was familiar. "Stalking me now aren't we?" She said to the open air, but in less than a second, Elijah made himself known in front of her. "I happened to see you witness the crowd earlier"

The Hex Witch [Marvel x The Originals]Where stories live. Discover now