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- the hex witch -

- the hex witch -

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- 05 -

The teenage witch was sleeping peacefully in the church's attic, where she resides away from harm. That peaceful part of her sleep didn't last long. Davina was tossing and turning around in her bed, as she tried to mentally fight the nightmare creeping up. She was stuck in between not being able to wake up from the terrible nightmare nor having the strength to get rid of her nightmare. The girl kept hearing whispers in a language she couldn't understand, she couldn't recognize the words yet she knew the intention. The whispers intimidated her, threatened her, taunted her, yet she couldn't do anything about it.

Davina kept getting an omen of the terrible things that could occur in this town. She was desperate to find out the root of the problem, but every time she did, she was left more confused than the last time. The young witch believed she could stop it, but she didn't know that if she messed with the problem, she would increase it instead.

Waking up with a gasp, Davina immediately scurried off her bed and grabbed her sketchbook. She usually draws when she senses someone using magic, but it didn't feel the same, it felt rather like a warning which she had to visualize to understand. Using a purple coloured pencil, Davina began to use immense force to draw. Filling the once white paper with random marks of purple. She closed her eyes and tried to visualize what she saw in her nightmare. After a few moments she looked down at the piece of paper and was left more confused than ever.

She felt herself drawing a face, with a crown of some sort, yet when she looked down at the paper, it was filled with harsh lines of purple. When she closes her eyes to picture the face again, she couldn't pinpoint the features, not that she could in the first place.

Throwing her sketchbook across the room, she let out a frustrated groan. Not being able to do anything else, the girl decided to go back to sleep.

In the morning, Davina was up bright and early, the lingering feeling of her nightmare could not let her sleep. She was supposed to find a way to kill an original, as Elijah lays in the coffin in the same room. Though Marcel has mentioned that he needs to give Elijah back to his brother, as he saved his life, Davina disagreed.

"This sucker's resilient. He's like a cockroach in a suit. Doesn't matter. Time to give ol' Elijah back to Klaus, anyway" Marcel looks at Elijah as they've opened the coffin.

"You asked me to figure out a way to kill the Originals. I'm not done! The silver dagger hurts them, but that's it" The girl disagrees. "Davina, we've been through this. Klaus saved my life, I owe him one. Since he wants his brother back-"

"Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival. I wanna go. Please?" Davina interrupts the man, after all she was still a child. "The whole point of you being up here is so you're never spotted out there. You know who works smack in the middle of Dauphine Street? Sophie Deveraux. Pain-in-the-ass witch? And you know what the witches will do to you if they find you"

The Hex Witch [Marvel x The Originals]Where stories live. Discover now