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- The Hex Witch -

- The Hex Witch -

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- 01 -

If the other Avengers knew how Sylvia was behaving right now, she would be lectured. But they are not here. Unlike her sister, Sylvia was learning how to control her magic, she learnt new things, all by herself. Though in her case, learning meant accidentally breaking objects until she found the right amount of pressure needed. While on the run, Sylvia learnt something new. She has started to master the technique of illusions, of herself and other objects. Since she was able to manipulate energy, she could control any object or living being that had energy. To make illusions, Sylvia would use the exact amount of power in the object, and manipulate it to look like the said object.

This was one of the tricks she used to keep the government off her trail. Sylvia was currently in a clothing store, inside the changeroom. She hacked into the live camera footage - a skill she learnt from Tony Stark - and watched as the government agents were many meters away from her, but close to the illusion she made. As Thaddeus Ross saw the Sylvia's illusion of herself, thinking it was her, he shot a tranquillizer dart. She had to stop herself from laughing out loud or she would actually give away her location.

Sylvia changed her outfit, making sure her hair was hidden as she has not dyed it another colour. She walked towards the agents who have now surrounded Sylvia's illusion. She picked up her phone to call Ross, who was confused when he picked up, because he thought he has Sylvia surrounded.

"When are you going to give up?" Sylvia asked, watching through the screen how Ross ordered the agents to look around for the real Sylvia, as her illusion disappeared and left a purple cloud behind. "Not until I find you, where are you?" he asked.

"You'll never find me" Sylvia spoke and walked closer until she could see Ross, although he wasn't facing her. He was alone, perfect opportunity. "Sylvia, if you come with us now, you might be let off with a pardon" he tried to reason with her. Thaddeus Ross has been after Sylvia and Natasha personally for a while, but he couldn't find either.

"You'll put a bullet in me as soon as you see me" That was the truth, if Sylvia did not surrender, Ross has given orders to shoot on sight. After all, Sylvia was a HYDRA agent before she was an Avenger.

To prove her point, Sylvia walked up to Ross and touched his shoulder. As soon as he turned around and saw Sylvia, he brought up his loaded gun and shot twice. The bullets would've hurt Sylvia if she was actually there, but it hit the wall behind her. The illusion in front of Ross disappeared and the real Sylvia spoke through the phone "told you". She hung up, crushed the phone underneath her heel, sat in her car, and drove away.

- -

Sylvia drove for a couple hours until she reached a destination. New Orleans, a city in Louisiana where hopefully the woman can live in the shadows for a couple weeks, maybe even stretch it to a couple months if all goes well. It was near nighttime when Sylvia reached. She saw a bar, Rousseau's, and decided to have a drink before she started to look for a place to live. One of Sylvia's habits were to always be aware of her surroundings, anyone could be a threat. Hopefully no one followed her to New Orleans.

The Hex Witch [Marvel x The Originals]Where stories live. Discover now