Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

**warning this story has a few mistakes that I am slowly editing, when I originally wrote this it was meant as a hetero story so you may see she in pleanty of places where it is supposed to be he, just bare with me I know it will cause some confusion but I am working on it. Thanks for reading, xoxo

Picture of Dimitri, yummy---------->


            Dimitri levered his powerful six foot five solidly packed muscular frame from behind his glossy mahogany desk and brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his impeccably cut Italian suit. He glided over the polished mirrored tile to the panoramic windows that showed of the spectacular Miami skyline to perfection.  The thick cords of muscle in his arms and shoulders flexed under his tailor made silk shirt as he raised his arms above his head and clasped his hands behind his powerful neck, just under the thick mane of midnight black hair.

            He sighed and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.  He was so bored he was bended. He has existed in the world for so long and has seen and has done almost everything at least once. He had out lived two mates and countless friends. He studied the skyline and smiled on how change was forever happening. Through the countless centuries things have changed so much from horse drawn buggies to state of the art luxury vehicles that parked themselves. From wooden huts to million dollar concrete condos. He shook his head and turned away from the beautiful balmy sunset.

            Walking back over to his desk he picked up the phone and called for his car. He knew what his problem was, he was lonely. His last mate was over four centuries ago, after he lost Simone the pain was so bad he refused to even chance a relationship again. But, living alone and not being able to share with another of his kind was getting depressing. He had avoided all opportunities to meet a potential mate both Vampire or heaven forbid Human.

            He shrugged into his slate gray jacket and walked to his office doors. He had moved to Miami for a complete change of scenery, gone are the days where their kind hid and lived in the shadows for fear of persecution. Evolution has been generous to their kind. They walked in the sunshine, ate food, and they looked normal and felt normal other than being immortal and a little cooler touch than a normal human.

            He waited until his escorts joined his side before stepping outside onto the sidewalk to stride to the gleaming Mercedes where Stavos was holding the door open for him to step into the car. He adjusted himself on the seat as his head bodyguard closed the door efficiently behind him. He watched as the big man climbed into the front of the car. In the next instant the driver glided it smoothly away from the curve and into evening traffic. He was thinking of ways to amuse himself for the evening. He watched the buildings pass by in a blur, noticing the business closing for the day and the night life becoming more active.

  “Do you want to stop anywhere, sir?” Stavos asked him from his position in the front seat.

            “Yes, please stop by the bookstore close to the house.” He replied and went back to people watching.

            Stavos nodded once and instructed the driver appropriately. He had noticed his friend getting more and more melancholic with each passing day, and he was a t lost as to what to do about the situation. Gustav had informed just this morning he wasn’t feeding as often as he should, not until he was pressed to do so. Gustav said he needed a woman, but Dimitri had more women than he could manage, but lately he refused himself even that simple pleasure. Gustav had again informed him that it was his need of a mate in his life that was weighing on him, but being so stubborn he refused to admit it.

Rescue Me (Vampire BoyxBoy)**Vamps Book 1**Where stories live. Discover now