Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

(Dimitri's blood and juice cocktail---->)

 Dimitri jerked awake and looked over at Caleb. He was groaning in his sleep. His brow was furrowed and he was cradling his hand in his sleep. Throwing the covers off his half naked body, he rose from the bed and walked over to the mini bar. He opened it and studied the contents, there were the usual bottles of blood, but there were also several selections of juices. Choosing a organic grape juice, he pulled the bottle from the fridge. Popping the cap he selected a glass and poured some in a glass. Caleb moaned again gaining his attention. He closed his eyes and willed his fangs to descend from his gums. He bit into his wrist and when his blood pooled and flowed from the wound, he held his hand over the glass and let a few drops of the viscous liquid fall into the fruit drink. Licking his wrist to seal the wounds the stirred the contents of the glass with his finger. He checked the bottom of the glass to make sure it was blended well.

 He carried the glass back to the bed and set it on the night stand. He gently gathered Caleb into his arms and called his name, slightly shaking him awake. Caleb opened his eyes and tried to focus his gaze. The first thing that he registered was the painful throbbing of his wrist and he winced. Dimitri held him securely to his chest while he reached over and picked up the glass from the nightstand.

 "Here drink this, baby, it will help with the pain." Dimitri instructed him and his gaze heated as he watched his love's tongue run the length of his plump bottom lip. He placed the glass up to his mouth and Caleb daintily sipped the refreshing juice. It was like nectar on his tongue. The taste was absolutely delicious. He had never tasted anything like it. He sat up abruptly and took the glass from Dimitri with his good hand and proceeded to drain the glass in a few greedy gulps.

 "Mm mm....this is so good, can I have some more?" Caleb asked Dimitri handing the empty glass back to him.

 Dimitri smiled, shaking his head and tried to temper the desire heating up in his blood with the knowledge that his baby loved the taste of his blood and wanted more of it. He could feel his fangs descend yet again. Caleb leaned forward all of sudden and peered intently into his face. His pupils were fully blown indicating his arousal, a side affect from drinking from his mate's blood. 

 "Your eyes have changed and your fangs are there, are in need of something?" Caleb sexily purred and climbed into Dimitri's lap, locking his ankles behind his back and wrapping his slender arms around his powerful neck. His fingers twining into his luxurious head of hair.

 Dimitri knew that Caleb was experiencing the aphrodisiac effects of his blood, his inhibitions were now practically non-existent, to respond to him in this frame of mind would be seriously taking advantage of Caleb. He was attempting to hold it together, but that flew out the window when Caleb licked his way across his lips and rolled his hips against him effectively causing a searing friction of heat along both of their rigid erections. Dimitri groaned deep in his throat as his big hands flew to those delicate hip bones to try to still their rocking motion, but Caleb was having none of it. He used his tongue to wiggle through the seam of Dimitri's perfect lips and he ran the tip of it over one of the sharp protruding fangs in Dimitri's mouth, he traced the length of it and flicked the tip of the muscle across the pin point sharp tip effectively piercing his tongue. As the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth the speared the wayward tongue deeper into Dimitri's mouth firmly fucking his man's mouth. Dimtri shivered and groaned as the pleasure of it traveled down his spine.

 That was it, that did it for Dimitri, all his good intentions flew through the door and his inner beast was released and it roared in victory. The only warning Caleb had was the quick flash of silver in his smouldering gaze before he went flying through the air. He landed on his back with a loud "omff" in the middle of the massive bed. It wasn't long before the heat of Dimitri's body covered his shivering one. Caleb moaned and his back arched as Dimitri viciously attacked the sweet spot of his neck as he ground his hips hard against Caleb's leaking cock. Caleb threw back his head and moaned in sheer ecstasy. It was the hottest sounds that Dimitri has ever heard. He growled deep in his throat and practically shredded their boxers in his haste to feel his boy's skin. 

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