Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(The pool------------>)


            Dimitri managed to keep his head on business most of the day, and now that the day was almost over and he finally managed to pin Stavos in one spot for more than five minutes, he sat back in his chair and studied his sullen friend in front of him. “So tell me what’s up?”

            Stavos quit staring at the view beyond the tinted glass windows and  turned his head to face Dimitri. “Where did those twins come from out of the blue? Irina did not tell me she was bringing them here permanently”

            “You know Irina loved her sister dearly and would do anything for her, now that she is gone the twins are the only thing left to remind her of her sister.” Dimitri reminded him.

            “I know you all think it’s funny but I am not on the market for a mate or mates. How is it even possible not one but two at the same time. Irina I am sure with that weird intuition of hers knew the possibility when she introduced us.”  Stavos resentfully stated.

            Dimitri put his elbows on his desk and crossed his fingers. He tried to figure out why Stavos was so irritated with this turn of events, why he was against having a mate. He never had reason to wonder before for Stavos had obviously has never found one before after all this time. “Why are you so not willing to even entertain the thought of having a mate? Would you rather continue blowing through the female/male population then?” He asked gently.

            Stavos inhaled deeply, he didn’t know if he could even explain it right. He has only had Dimitri, Irina, and Gustav for so long, what kind of mate would he make? Would he be gentle enough, patient enough, understanding enough. Could his mate put up with his need for control and dominance. Could they possibly be a mate and a sub. He didn't have the patience to train a sub to his specifics, now he has two very naive and very young mates. Was he ready to let someone into his world on that level of intimacy? When he could answer those questions, then he figured he would make someone and decent mate. “The best I can say is that I am too set in my ways to change my life for someone. I like things my way I don’t like compromise.” Stavos stated instead of voicing his real thoughts.

            “All I can say is that having that special someone has a benefit that far outweighs the perceived setbacks. Trust me, why do you think I am in the situation I am in now. Just take it slow and get to know them, stop running.”  Dimitri said as he got up from his chair and shrugging into his suit jacket. “Let’s go home, I am starving and Irina’s making her famous spaghetti.”

            Rolling his eyes Stavos got up as well and followed Dimitri out of the office, he checked with their driver to make sure the car would be at the curb the moment Dimitri stepped out of the lobby doors.

            The ride home was uneventful. Dimitri had toyed with the idea of stopping by the bookstore just to see Caleb. He had only spoken to him once today. As the car pulled up to the front steps of his house a short while later, he waited for his door to be opened. He stepped out of the car and like clockwork; Gustav had the front door opened for him to proceed inside.

            Dimitri mounted the staircase and made his way to his room. Once there he shed his expensive suit and opted for black sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt. He was a little restless and he wanted more than anything to have Caleb’s company. He checked his watch, Caleb still had a little over two hours of his shift left to go and he hadn’t confirmed if he was going to stop by. Dimitri shook it off and decided to go downstairs and watch the show.

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