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Welcome! Thank you so much for taking your time to check out my book. I really appreciate it. Please read my long ass A/N. I have highlighted the most important things.

First of all, this book has been inspired by the amazing story; 'Miss perfect and her brothers'. It's one of the best books about siblings I have ever read. That is also why I've been working on my own story for almost two years now. Out of respect for the author's hard work, I've spent a lot of time creating my own plot, characters and so on.

I have absolutely no intention of copying any of her ideas. The only thing that makes our books similar is the fact that it revolves around siblings. If you do find any resemblances throughout my story, let me know. I want this book to be my own.

Another important factor before you start reading; English isn't my native language, so I apologize in advance for incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes. Feel free to correct me in the comments and I'll make sure to edit it as soon as possible. There are going to be other languages throughout the story that I don't speak a word of. That is why Google Translate has been my bitch and the translations might not make sense at all if you understand what it says. If you find that annoying, consider this as a heads up.

The story will mostly be slow paced. As I've been writing this story, I've made sure to do a lot of research as I would like this book to be realistic. However, I am only human so there might be a few incorrect facts here and there.

The first part of the book is mostly about family and later on there will be some romance, but I think that will be in a second book if I manage to finish this one first. It is also important to mention that this story isn't incest and there is going to be a large age-gap between the oldest and the youngest siblings. I think it's cute. It's okay if you don't agree.

Our narrator is a five-year-old girl, but she will act a bit more mature in some parts of the story as will her thoughts as I predict this will be the most enjoyable to read. There's more to it but you will get to know her throughout the book.

There won't be any trigger warnings before a new chapter starts. If any of the following things trigger you, it would be wise to sit this one out:

Child abuse, drugs, alcohol, explicit language, graphic violence, and sexual references.

Happy reading everyone!

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