Chapter fifteen - Junior + Characters

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At the sound of the unfamiliar voice calling out in the foyer, all of my brothers slumped back down in their seats, eating more pizza.

It was only Nate that wiped his fingers on a napkin before he stood up, walking to meet the newly arrived person whose shoes clicked lightly as he or she entered further into the house.


I cocked my ear, trying to make it out who it was.

"I thought I told you not to come", I faintly heard my brother say.

"You did". From the lighter octaves this voice held, I guess it must be a woman he was talking with. I hope it's not someone like Tiara again... "But! You also said that I could visit after a month or so. And it's been exactly a month and a few weeks".

"Fine, but what happened to come around 2 pm and not 8.30 in the evening?" Nate questioned, sounding a tad annoyed.

"I'm sure it's 2 pm somewhere in the world", she sighed, creating a loud cling with her shoes when she moved again. "Aren't you just a little happy to see me?"

"Of course, I am". His words softened, causing another seed of curiosity to blossom in me. "I just wish you would've told me. I could have prepared for your arrival".

She scoffed. "I've known you for many years Nate. It won't take me long to find all the skeletons in the closets".

"Don't forget the bodies in the lake", he added, jokingly.

"Wouldn't dream of it". She let out a small giggle.

"Jokes aside, I think you know what I'm talking about".

The woman lowered her voice, making it difficult for me to hear as Marc and Slade bickered about who was to get the last slice of margherita pizza.

"-doesn't know?" I gathered Nate must have answered non-verbally as it was her who spoke again. "Please Nate, don't ask me to come back another time. I'll act as casual as I can, I promise! I've been dying to-"

"You got it the last time!"

"Sucks for you!"

Slade almost knocked the poor slice out of Marc's hand, being gifted with the famous death-glare in return.

"Children", Sebastian interfered in their banter. "Should I bring the measuring tape for you to split it evenly between you?"

Embry almost spat his beer at Sebastian's comment, Ray laughing hysterically.

"Shut up!"

Not finding the brotherly argument as entertaining, I discreetly climbed over to Ray, glancing up at him with my silent question in my eyes. He smirked down at me but lifted me onto his lap, nevertheless. Not only did he provide me with cuddles but also a better view in the foyer from his spot on the couch. From there, I caught a glimpse of a cream-colored coat peeking out behind the archway.

"Thank you, baby!" I saw how the back of her short figure bounced up and down as she stood on her tippy toes. Doing what, I had no idea. I hoped she didn't kiss him though...

"Can't you just have the pepperoni?"

In an instant, my gaze snapped back to the arguing brothers. Each holding on to the same plate with the margarita pizza.

"I don't like pepperoni. You can take it!"

"But I want the margarita and you got it the last time!"

"So what? Not my problem". Marc tried to twist his younger brother's grip of the plate, in the end using his other hand to push him on the chest.

Slade wasn't that easy to push back on the couch though. Since Slade wasn't wearing a shirt, you could easily see how his abdominal muscles tightened as he used just as much force to fight back. He had discarded his t-shirt earlier in the evening when he claimed it was too hot from where he was sitting, close to the dimly lit fireplace. One of my favorite features of the living room.

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