Chapter eleven - Goal + Characters

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They were arguing.


It seemed like all they had done the past week since the incident with Tiara was to argue. About everything and nothing.

I try not to eavesdrop because it's not nice, but today it was extra hard as I sat in the room right next to the dining room, hearing every word.

"Fuck no", Marc grunted.

"It's just for a few hours", Nate bargained for the fifth time.

"Wish I could but I got midterm exams today", Ray replied, apologetic.

"Marc? Please reconsider". My eldest brother tried again.

From the archway that connected the dining room and living room together, I carefully peeked at Marc as he shook his head, pouring another cup of coffee.

Nate raised his eyes to the ceiling.

"Sebastian, I know you're working from home today. Can't you please do me this favor?" He pleaded.

"Sorry. Can't do". The coldest brother of mine answered, flipping a page in his newspaper.

"For fuck's sake. Is no one here going to help me out?" Nathaniel remarked with frustration.

Silence hung heavily in the air; the sound of my own breathing almost being deafening.

"Bueno, no creo que puedas retrasarlo más, hermano. Incluso si quisieras, no puedes traer a nuestra hermanita al trabajo todo el tiempo y tampoco puedes traerla a esta reunión. Es la hora". I noticed Ray switched to Spanish. They seemed to that whenever I wasn't supposed to know what they were discussing.

(Well, I don't think you can delay it anymore, brother. Even if you want to, you can't bring our little sister to work all the time and you can't bring her to this meeting either. It's time.)

"I know", Nate sighed. "Solo esperaba que pudiera esperar otra semana, con todo lo que está pasando con Luca".

(I just hoped it could wait for another week, with everything that's going on with Luca)

"No puedes simplemente traerla? Después de todo, la llevas contigo a todas partes. Como un cachorrito", Marc scoffed.

(Can't you just bring her along? After all, you bring her with you everywhere else. Like a little puppy)

"No hables así de ella", my eldest brother growled in warning.

(Don't speak of her like that)

The 'scary giant', also known as Marc, only rolled his eyes as he pushed his chair out. I quickly dropped my gaze to the drawing I was making, trying not to draw his attention to me. Marc's and I relationship haven't improved since I got here, and he has only spoken to me if it was absolutely necessary.

"Fucking hell!" He cursed.

Timidly, I peered over to him from beneath my lashes.

"Don't put your stuff everywhere". He kicked a few of my Lego's towards me, giving me an angry glare, stomping outside on the patio with a lighter in his hand.

I hastily picked the few pieces of Lego off the floor, not wanting someone like Sebastian to step on it. God no. That can't happen. It would be more terrifying to me than Marc.

"Are you sure Slade?" My ears perked up as the guys started speaking again inside the dining room.

"Yeah, my practice isn't until tonight. It won't be a problem".

"Thank you hermano".


"Hey angel". I snapped my eyes up to meet Nate's gentle ones. Like always, they were warm and soft whenever he looked at me, making me feel super precious.

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