5] Hot

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Reader pov:

Akira turned red like a tomato and i laughed seeing his nervous face. I was going to turn but his grip on my hand tightened.
"Y/N you're not going anywhere,you're hurt" he said. Before i could refuse, he pulled me towards the infirmary. The nurse had left so he sat me down on a chair and shuffled through the drawers grabbing a band aid ,some cotton and antiseptic liquid. He came towards me and stated
"stay still". Why was i not moving? Why was i letting him do what he wanted . He gently dabbed the cotton on my face,wiping the blood while his other hand held my cheek, our faces were just inches apart. I opened my mouth
"you know-"
"shh" he hushed while he poured the antiseptic on the cotton. I closed my mouth and just admired his features. His straight silky olive green hair slightly swayed in the breeze. His olive green pointed eyes were focussed on my face. His thick fringe enhanced his features. He slowly dabbed the antiseptic on my cuts,it burned a little bit but it was really minor. Akira worriedly questioned "does it hurt too much? Should i dab softly"
"its just anticeptic" i told him as he relaxed a bit but kept his hand on my cheek. He then picked up the band aid and put it on the cut next to my nose ,softly. "There" he exclaimed while packing the things back.
"Thank you Touya" i uttered. He pouted.
"Why are you being formal, call me Akira" he said with a hint of sadness.
" ok... Akira" i sighed as a calm smile appeared on his beautiful face

Author pov:

"Wanna get a drink?" Y/N asked Akira while grabbing her bag as they walked. Akira was happy to hear that but he was hesitant as he wasnt used to going out with friends before but "Sure" he replied. Y/N and Him went to a nearby cafe and both ordered an iced coffee while taking a seat at a table near the window. They sat in silence for few moments but Y/N started a conversation and eased Akira's nervousness. The most they talked,the more Akira enjoyed and grew comfortable. Her voice was like music to his ears. They talked all anout school and how Y/N was hurt because she had beaten up Lina and her gang. At first Akira was really worried as to why this crazy girl would take such risks but he found it so interesting . Soon they came to talk about Go. Akira told her how lost he felt and how much pain he associated with Go. He explained how hesitant he was to play again but Y/N calmly slurped her coffee while giving him advice. She told him that he had a talent and passion for Go, he loved it .
He should resume playing Go and revive his inner soul that ached to play it. Akira was immensely motivated by her calm and meaningful words. Y/N stated "You should play Go".
"Why" akira asked.
Her next reply shook him.
"You look hot while playing Go".
His heart raced like crazy . His lips uncontrollably formed a shy smile. That was more then enough for him to start playing again. If she thinks he looks hot while playing Go then he'll play it all day everyday he thought while nervously sipping his coffee. Minutes later both parted ways.

At the Touya residence:
Akira reached home in the evening and washed up. He went towards the living room where his father was practising Go. He sat down silently. The older man Touya meijin was worried from the past few days. His song hadnt touched the Go board at all. He was confused what to say when Akira spoke.
"Father lets play like a Go match like we used to every day " the man was glad but looked a bit shocked .
" Y/N said i should follow my passion and Play Go like before" akira explained while blushing at the thought of another thing the girl had said. After hearing that Y/N had advised him this,Akira's father was very happy. She was the right girl. What an amazing person she was,guiding her son in the right way. His admiration only grew as the duo played Go for a long time that day. Akira's original passion and love for Go returning with each stone he placed.

Odd Love ~ [ Akira Touya × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now