7] Feeling

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---------------------------------------------------------Reader pov:
I was in school thinking about how the dinner at the Touya's place had went. The sushi was so damn good . I was thinking about the food when the teacher called my name out
"Y/N, can you please give these sheets to the teacher from class x". I got up from my desk, took the sheets and headed out the classroom. I was looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms outside the window when i crashed into a figure and all the papers flew up into the air. All the papers fell down slowing on top of both of us. Through the falling papers he looked at me,and me at him. He was a handsome guy with glasses. Thats right, he was kaoru Kishimoto The baseball team captain after i left the team. I started picking up the papers and he joined me too. After collecting the papers that were scattered he handed them to me and i took them from his hands.
I turned to leave for class x but he called out my name
"Y/N!". I turned to face him with no expression.
"Please ,come back to the baseball team!" He yelled in determination to bring me back.
"Nope" i said while walking away but he caught my wrist.
"Y/n ,please we need you , the match is tomorrow!"
"yeah should've thought about that before kicking me out" i said.
" Y/N it wasnt our fault it was because of lina! She left the team so you can come back now ,please we need you!"His request was genuine but i wasnt going back to the team after what happened.


The kayo baseball team was the most popular and talented team. They won all their matches. Their team captain was Y/N, and she was a really powerful player. She played so well that even grown adults would come to watch a middle school baseball match. However Lina who was also in the team hated Y/N. She used her mothers power to bribe the teachers and forcefully kick Y/N out of the team. Y/N didnt back down but there was nothing she could do. The rest of that playes kept quiet because of fear. As soon as Y/N was out,Kishimoto the second best player took captaincy. The moment Y/N left, the popularity of the team died down. Without a good captain the team wasnt well coordinated and played badly. They lost match after match and couldnt keep up with the guilt of losing Y/N. Lina realised that her popularity would worsen if she stayed in the team,thus she left.


Kishimoto gazed at me with pleading eyes but i pulled my hand away and walked to the class i was delivering the sheets to. I gave the sheets and returned to my class . My mind continuesly drifted to Akira. What could he be doing? Wait.... why am thinking about Akira so much.... whenever i thought about him i felt something a feeling that was amazing.

Akira pov-
My thoughts only comprised of Y/N. I cant stop thinking of her . The sound of her name makes me smile,the vision of her face makes my heart flutter and the thought of her makes me feel a certain way....its..love.
My heart was beating faster and faster each second dreaming about my love. I decided that i shouldn't wait no more ... i am going to tell her tomorrow i thought to myself. I left a note on Y/ns desk to meet me near the baseball ground tomorrow at 4.... I'll tell her everything then.

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