5. Love is Not Easy

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Abhay was in his room contemplating his decision of yelling at Anusha in front of everyone, but what could he have done when the situation was out of his hands. He was not able to control his repressed feelings anymore and the sudden episode had fueld his hidden fire.

Abhay was still sitting on his bed absentmindedly when Rohan and Karan entered inside his room. Karan being the younger of the three made up his mind to cheer his elder brother.

"Bhai(Brother) see what I got for you, today's dinner, Mom had prepared your favourite dishes. Look--Look." Karan called out, taking his elder brother's attention.

Abhay turned his head towards Karan's voice and saw him holding a tray of food which had a few delicious dishes on it.

"Now stop staring at your food and eat it on your own, because I am not gonna feed you, I can't afford to ruin my nails."

"Excuse me what?" Rohan questioned back while laughing loudly.

Karan glared at his younger brother who was laughing and giggling at his joke.

"Karan I asked you to make the atmosphere jolly not to ruin the atmosphere dummy." Rohan spoke and continued to laugh.

"Yeah! Yeah that is why you are laughing madly? Right bro?" Karan sassed and made a pouty face while moving his body towards Mr Gupta who was silently standing in the corner and was watching his son's bicker.

"Dad, look at them they are mocking me, when it was me who was trying to cheer big bro." Karan whined.

"Let them be they are fools." Mr Gupta said making Karan do a little victory dance.

"Okay boys, let's calm down now, I have something important to discuss with Abhay." Mr Gupta said and sauntered towards Abhay's side. He sat besides Abhay while Karan and Rohan sat on the adjacent leather couch.

"So young man do you want to throw some light on the stunt you pulled below in front of everyone." Abhay's father said in a heavy tone making all of his son's gulp.

"Dad--I--" Abhay stuttered but was not able to utter anything ahead. His eyes welled up with tears at the thought of his and Anusha's future. Was there even any future for them? This single thought made him chuckle miserably.

"Abhay my son we don't know what's actually going on between you and Anusha but trust me when I say that it's just a phase and it will pass soon. You always wanted to fall in love with your partner and enjoy your life with them right? But my son love is not that easy. It's just like a rollercoaster ride, it has it's own share of ups and downs." Mr Gupta said and asked Abhay to listen to him carefully.

"You know my son we always tend to like and adore the most beautiful aspect or the perfect habit of our partner and obviously it's very natural to like someone's positive aspect, right?" Mr Gupta inquired to which Abhay nodded still feeling lost.

"But that's not love my dear son. Love is when you accept someone with all their positive aspects and flaws together. You can consider love as an exam which will at every moment test you both and especially in your most vulnerable times. Try and be more considerate towards your partner, I know you have always provided Anusha her space and time but my son there are certain situations when instead of giving our partner some alone time we should be there with them, we should be besides them." Mr Gupta said striking a deep realisation in Abhay's heart which was---- that Yes Abhay had always respected, adored and provided Anusha her space but what if from the very scratch Anusha never required it, what if Anusha wanted a companion and Abhay ended up giving her the space which had created a barrier between them.

Sometimes we tend to think that we are helping the other person by providing them some time and space to reconsider their life decisions but the astonishing part is that majority of times people  want someone to guide them through the dark, someone to pull them in the light, someone to shield them from a barrier with they had created for themselves.

After listening to his father's advice Abhay had also realised that in his relationship from the very beginning Abhay thought that Anusha is probably not comfortable with him and their relation and probably requires some time to adjust to her new surroundings but what if she was always speaking for some support, guidance and love.

"Abhay?" Mr Gupta whispered nudging Abhay's shoulders to attract his diverted attention.

"Thanks Dad" Abhay whispered back and hugged his father making everyone smile.


It was an hour later that Mr and Mrs Gupta were able to calm down both Abhay and Anusha. Mrs Gupta felt that it was better to make Anusha stays with her for the night whereas Abhay was curled up in his bed with his siblings. Currently Mr and Mrs Gupta were cuddling with each other in their leather couch placed in the living room.

"Do you have any idea behind Abhay's outburst?" Mr Gupta inquired from his wife.

"No I don't have much idea on what is happening in Abhay's and Anusha's personal life but I think whatever happened today was quite necessary. I think they have provided each other with so much unnecessary space in their relation that now they are facing challenges in their relation because of that huge distance. I think it's high time that we should do something, and I have a fantastic plan which we need to execute as soon as possible." Mrs Gupta said with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Mr Gupta chucked at his wife's antics and the couple prayed to the lord's above for their son and daughter-in-law's happiness.


Hey Guys 🌸

•Finally the most important chapters of this book are done so far, which was going through the cycle of self introspection. Now let's see how Anusha and Abhay are going to bond. What do you all think about it?

• What do you think about Mr Gupta's advice to Abhay? Do you think sometimes providing too much of space in any relation can have a counter effect?

•Wil Anusha's behaviour ever change towards Abhay or not? Let's see 👀

Till then
See Ya

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