22. Love is about Communication

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Just like everyday all the members of Gupta family were busy in their own activities. Anusha and Mrs Gupta were busy preparing the breakfast while Mr Gupta had gone for a walk and the three brothers were dressing up in their rooms for their office and college respectively. Exactly after 10 minutes the three brothers came from their rooms and sat on the table which was placed in the living room to have their breakfast.

"Mom is the breakfast ready, I am getting late for my college?" Rohan uttered with a frown.

"So you should have woken up early Mr Furious." Karan retorted with a grin.

Abhay chuckled at his brother's behaviours and waited patiently for the breakfast to arrive.

"Will you both keep quiet for some time, how do you both have so much energy to babble continuously without any break?" Mrs Gupta inquired while bringing the breakfast for the boys. Anusha was walking besides her mother in law and was holding a tray which had 3 cups of coffee for the brothers.

"The breakfast is on the table so concentrate on finishing your food quickly otherwise you all three will get late." Mrs Gupta said and saw how her son's were hurriedly finishing their food and were trying not to infuriate their mother.

Mrs Gupta chuckled and ambled back towards the kitchen while Anusha was looking in awe at their beautiful relationship. The bond these three brothers shared with each other and precisely with their mother was extremely precious and quite joyful to watch. The way these brothers bicker with each other continuously and keep on teasing each other was quite fun to watch but despite that teasing their love for each other was much stronger.

"You guys need anything else?" Anusha questioned.

"No Bhabhi, we are almost done." Karan replied and saw Rohan nodding at his brother's statement.

"Do you need anything Abhay?" Anusha asked from her husband and saw him staring back at her.

"Yeah! I do need something but I don't think that you would be able to give it to me as of now." Abhay said with a smirk and continued to enjoy her wife's confused expression.

"But me and Mom have prepared all your favourite dishes, do you probably require more pancakes or orange juice?" Anusha whispered innocently not able to comprehend what her husband wanted.

On the other hand Rohan and Karan were confused themselves and were silently staring at their elder brother.

"Bro what do you even want? You do Know that instead of speaking in riddles, you can speaking directly right? It's much easier." Rohan uttered confidently.

"Both of you go outside and wait for me otherwise I will complain to Mom." Abhay said feeling pissed at his brother's smart mouth.

"Alright! We are going." Both of them said while throwing a glare at their elder brother.

Once Karan and Rohan made their way out of their house, Abhay stood up from his chair and saw his wife looking at him innocently. He gently tucked her jet black hairs behind her ears and stood extremely close to his wife.

"Abhay--" Anusha whispered slowly feeling embarassed at the thought of some other person watching them like this.

"I wanted to have you but I can't as of now." Abhay whispered huskily and saw his wife's expression changing from confused to embarrassed in a second. The colour of Anusha's cheeks turned red and her doe eyes widened at her husband's words.

"Shut up." Anusha mumbled still feeling shy and cleared her throat trying to act cool making Abhay snicker.

"I have a surprise for you and there's a gift which I have kept on our bed for you. Once I go make sure to check that gift." Abhay said while smiling.

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