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    I was going to freeze to death if I didn't get out soon. The river was getting harsher by the minute and my body went numb a long time ago. The current had carried me far away from my apartment, so I had a good chance at keeping low at least. The only problem was, I didn't know my way around any of the other sections of the city but mine. I had noticed that the bright towers of the rich section that were lining the edge of the river were gone, smaller, more rundown buildings replacing them. Though this section didn't have luxurious apartment complexes, I could guarantee there would be less workers wandering the streets.

   I swam with the current for a few more seconds before grabbing a ladder that came up soon after. I had passed by plenty of them on my way down the river, so the officers following me would have trouble figuring out which one I had gotten out on.

   Pulling myself up, the water tried to force me back, but I managed to grab ahold of the top rung and leap up. Breaking the current, I put one leg up onto the ledge of where the river met the outer buildings of this strange section of the city. The unknown waited for me patiently like a cat.

   Here I was, a girl far from anything familiar, rising up from the river and drenched from head to toe. It was difficult to stand at first after being all shriveled up from the water like a prune and tossed like a rag doll. Stumbling around, I probably looked like a freak to all of the people walking nearby. As I began making my way from the river over to the endless buildings that stretched on and on, the first thing I noticed about the people of this section was how they dressed. My section had people with formal coats and uniforms, suits and ties, rushing to work every day with no time to spare. The workers even wore their uniforms to the annual celebrations.

   The people of this section however, were wearing crazy accessories and lights and shoes. Some lady walked by me wearing a dress made of fur with glass shards hanging off of it like Christmas ornaments.

   I didn't know if this section had celebrations like the ones back "home," but the way people wore lights reminded me a little of all of the glow-in-the-dark makeup I'd seen tonight. I must have been staring for a long time at all of the unique clothes because I felt a tap on my shoulder and a voice.

   "Hello? Are you okay, miss?" I spun around shakily, my eyes meeting a woman with short, dark hair and kind eyes. She looked to be around forty and she wore a lightbulb on a necklace and a white, wool coat. She reached out to me, studying me as if I was a walking corpse.

   As much as I had liked to say I wasn't alright and that I needed a warm place to stay and a nice bowl of soup, I decided to nod. The lady didn't look satisfied with my answer but she shrugged and sighed, strolling away.

   I continued by small groups of people off to my side near a building. The shops and apartments surrounding me grew denser as I headed towards what I guessed was the middle part of this section. Every city section had a middle that was always the most lively and populated.

   The buildings didn't tower above me like they did where I came from; they were only around four stories. The streets were lit by lamps of every color which were familiar to me and gentle music was playing from somewhere. It was like I went in a circle, fleeing the celebration and winding back up at it. Though, I knew I was in a totally different area of the city and there were thankfully no workers around to find me.

   I left a trail of water wherever I went and my feet slipped in my soggy shoes. My bag I was carrying was dripping wet and my clothes were in no better shape, my black jacket covered in dirt and smelling of sewer water. Everyone I passed glanced at me and looked away quickly as if I was the most hideous thing they'd seen. I definitely smelled hideous.

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