Chapter 2

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"My lady!" Rebecca, my nanny and personal maid, burst in, nearly making me choke on my breakfast. 

Rebecca used to be the only child of a local baron but after some sort of incident the nobility title was revoked and the family casted into the streets. I ran into Rebecca when I was 5 years old and wandering around the capital after escaping from the lonely environment of home. 

She was 15 at the time, and her father had told her to sell her body so that they could afford a nicer hotel to temporarily stay at, and she tried her best to be a good daughter but could never bring herself to approach any men. 

Instead she approached me, asking if I was lost and wanted to help me find my mother. If she could find my mother I would love for her to do so, but instead I offered her to follow me home. 

Taking my allowance of 10 gold coins a month that I've been saving up for a year, I had her lead me to her father in which I paid for her.  A 5 year old mind you, but the ex-baron was blinded by greed and just allowed me to take his daughter. 

She casted her surname away and has been raising me ever since, though she said I basically take care of myself. 

"Y-yes?" I stuttered out, feeling my eyes tear up a bit form coughing. 

"Your fath - I mean - Lord Gerris wants to see you in his office." Rebecca had rushed over to my closet, scouring for a nice day dress, "I knew I should have bought you that nice emerald color on," she muttered to herself, "This one will have to do." 

She pulled out a light blue dress that had white floral lace and black ribboning on the front and sides. She pulled out the respective undergarments and that dreaded corset, laying it all on my bed and contemplating her choices. 

I quickly finished eating and wiped my mouth and hands, hopping off my seat and rushing over to her, ready to be dressed. 

"What do you think he wants from me?" I asked nervously. Lord Gerris never asks for me, ever. The last time he did was to tell me Bell was going to take over my lessons after attending approximately 0 lessons with my so-called siblings and cousins. 

"I-I'm not sure my lady but I'm sure it will be fine!" Rebecca's voice shook, betraying the confidence she was trying to have so that I wouldn't be nervous, "A-anyways, you look so beautiful my lady!" She put her hands gently on my shoulders, looking proudly into the mirror at the work of art she did on my hair with a matching pale blue ribbon that was intricately braided and intertwined in my hair.

"Sir Tapper and a few other knights are here to escort you to Lord Gerris's office." Rebecca stood nervously, after she held the door open to me. 

With the entire knight escort I felt like a criminal being lead to their execution. It was a terrifying thought. 

I stared the floor the entire time until we stopped right in front of the door of Lord Gerris's office, right down the corridor from the Grand Duke's office. I tried to ignore the whispering and stares the various servants that worked around the manor but it wasn't hard to realize they were all gossiping about me. 


The sound of my father's voice made my stomach drop.  I was too drowsy to really feel the nerves my grandfather causes but now I'm wide awake and terrified. 

"Greetings Lord Gerris Fortunith, first son of the Grand Ducal house an-" 

"That's enough," he interrupted my greeting, no doubt looking angry as I stared at the front of his desk rather than at him, "Look at me." 

Feeling my blood run cold - well colder than usual as I am affiliated with water - and I slowly rose my head to look dead ahead into his fiery yellow eyes. 

This felt like deja vu as he just stared at me in complete silence, and somewhere deep in his eyes he had the same sort of sadness like the Grand Duke. 

"Did you need something from me?" I finally said, my voice definitely covering up the fact I wanted to burst into tears. 

He finally realized or something that we were just having a staring contest and he gathered his composure, "How old are you." 

"9 years old, my lord." This felt familiar. 

"9?" He repeated, his eyes lost focus, going deep in thought. Unlike the Grand Duke he seemed a bit more distracted. "You turned 9 this year?" 

"No, I'll be turning 10 later this year." 


More silence. 

All of the sudden the doors burst open, and the sound of heavy and angry heels hitting the floor came up from behind me and to the Lord's side. 

This made my heart just stop. 

"My husband," she began, briefly looking over to me and her eyes widening, "W-why is she here? What if our kids saw her?!" 

I'm one of your kids. 

"My wife," Lord Gerris responded calmly, "You need to be resting, the doctor said to. I'll tell you about this later." 

She frowned, definitely not happy with his answer but quickly left as fast as she came in. 

That was the first time I've seen her since I was born. Not that I remember when I was born. I am, after all, her greatest disappointment. Usually the birth of a Fortunith causes the fire to go wild, as the Fortunith bloodline is strong with fire attributes, only those married into the family have different elements. 

But usually, a fire-mother and fire-father give birth to a fire-child, but here I am, a water-child. 

Not exactly the highlight of my mother's life. 

With her entrance and comments about me it seems this conversation was over and I was quickly dismissed... into the Grand Duke's office. 

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