Chapter 5

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"Why don't they like me?" I found myself asking to really no one seeing how we were deep into the city, catching myself in my childish thoughts I try to ignore the sad look Rebecca was giving me. I just quickened my pace to the blacksmith, immediately skimming through the ready-made children's swords. "What do you think of this one?" 

I pick up one, feeling the cool leather handle. The grip was definitely meant for a bigger hand, but all swords are always too big for me. I've learned to wield them just as well as anyone else. 

"It's nice," Rebecca's voice cracked and her eyes were getting a little red. The only reason she isn't just outright crying is probably to stay strong for me. She reached over to a different sword, poking at the blade with some familiarity, "This one might be better," she sniffled, "I think it's made from refined steel." 

"You have a good eye," Randall, the blacksmith's apprentice and someone who definitely fancies Rebecca, "It has a bit of refined steel in it and some stiff steel." 

He was smiling with a lot of pride, definitely the craftsman behind this blade, but his smile faltered when he got a good look at the upset-looking Rebecca. 

Stiff steel? That stuff is supposed to be good with mana. It's what all the swordsmasters have in their swords, making the metal quite popular amongst aspiring knights and swordsmen. 

"How much?" I ask, gently putting the sword down and reaching for the one Rebecca picked out. It was still a bit too big, but it was definitely lighter from the steel mixture. 

"4 silver," Randall said with beaming pride.

"4?!" Rebecca shouted, her sadness completely diminished, "The last sword I got here was 3 and it broke!" 

Hence why I had to use Howell's old sword. 

"I guarantee you that it's better," Randall was about to approach us but a large hand latched onto his shoulder and a soot covered Paris walked out, his boots making loud thuds from his shear size. 

He took a quick look between Randall and Rebecca, settling on me and a warmer gaze fell upon him. 

"Hello Lara," he crouched, taking the sword from me and examining it, "This blade will serve you well," he paused, taking my hand and squeezing it gently, felling the sword hilt and frowned, "Do you want me to adjust the handle?" 

"I ca-" Randall began, getting cut off from a quick glare from his master. 

"No it's fine," I try to start, but Paris wasn't one to take back an offer. 

"Free of charge," he cut in a smile barely visible through his bushy beard, "Besides, a little birdy told me you're trying to become an adventurer. A good adventurer will need a good sword." 

Can't argue with that. 

I finally give in and nod,  hopping up and wrapping my arms around his neck despite how dirty he was. Despite him kneeling to be my eye level, he's still a mountain of a man. 

"Thank you so much!" I beam. 

"Of course," Paris stood, holding the sword to Randall, "I'll send for your sister when it's done." 

I nod, and soon took Rebecca's hand so we can walk away looking like a proper family. 

Maybe people do not know our real relationship, but we've told everyone we are sisters, and that because Rebecca works for the powerful and generous Fortunith house, she's earn enough for our rather luxurious spending. 

It's lucky that we both have dark hair and silver eyes. Though my eyes lean towards the bluish side. Like everything about me. 

"Would you like kabobs for dinner? Or maybe stew" Rebecca asked, though I could see her eyeing some of the roasted pork that was in one of the food stands we past. 

"I think I want a roast tonight," I look to her, her excitement quite clear in her face, "What about you?" 

"I think that sounds wonderful Lara," she replied, using my nickname as we weren't in the manor anymore. Everything to keep up appearances. "Pork?" 

"Mhm," I beam, a childish expression forming on my face, "Sounds yummy!" 

"We can go by the pastry shop afterwards for dessert," she added, getting me more excited, "The kitchen staff made more room in storage so we can bring back some cookies for tea time tomorrow." 

My heart beat with excitement at the thought of sweets two days in a row. A typical noble household would have dessert right after dinner and tier after tier of desserts for tea time, but alas the cooks in charge of my wing of the house aren't known for their sweets and there's really only one patissier of the ducal household. 

Suddenly I felt like someone was staring at me, burning holes in the back of my head. I suspect they have been watching me for a while but because there was a distinct lack of maliciousness I didn't notice it until now. 

Doing a quick look all around myself, Rebecca must have noticed my discomfort she too began looking around. 

"I don't see anything," she whispered, crouching down to reach my ear. 

"I don't either, but let's just keep moving," I whisper back, doing another once over the area, satisfied with my search but still paranoid, "I'm hungry!" I shout, a dumb smile spread across my face. 

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