Chapter 3

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"I heard Gerris wanted to see you," the Grand Duke began, not looking very pleased. At who, I have no idea. 


"We can skip that," he waved his hand like he was brushing away my greeting. It was long and tedious anyways. "Laraine, I want to speak to you regarding your sword lessons." 

It was only the Fortunith family who has the women learn to wield a sword, all due to my grandmother, bless her soul. Though the lessons usually start at 6 years old, so trying my best to be like my family I tried learning from the 4th unit knights, though I quickly learned sneaking out and meeting new people was a lot more fun and there were a lot of amazing swordsmen who didn't become knights. 

"Your father should have been in charge of teaching you, so I will speak to him so you can join in from now o-" 

"No!" I found myself shout before I even realized. The thought of spending every day with my family made my stomach churn and not in a good way. A few years ago that would've been a dream come true, but now that's the last thing I want, "I mean, respectfully, I don't think Lord Gerris will want me to be his student, and Sir Howell is an excellent teacher! He helps me learn what it is like to be a master of water." 

"Oh," he didn't seem to expect this response. Did he really think I wanted to be with someone who doesn't even like me? Hell no.... excuse my language. "Then is there anything you would like? It appears your birthday is next month." 

My birthday? Next month?! This is perfect. 

"Actually yes!" I wanted to just start hopping up and down out of excitement but I remained a lady and stood in my place with a small smile on my face. A lady doesn't have outbursts like that. Clearing my throat I made sure my head was level and my eyes never wavered from his face. "The nearby adventurer's guild," I began, "The minimum age to join is 10 years old as long as a guardian approves and I would like for you to be my guardian when I apply." 

He seemed surprised at my request, but also seems willing to listen to me. 

"I believe the best way of mastering my skill is through travelling to find water-attribute masters and the adventurer's guild will allow me to travel more effectively and also allow me to practice my swordsmanship," taking out my wallet - which is also my personal portal inventory and cost me 2 months worth of allowance and took out a rather long parchment paper that is the application to become an official adventurer. "I have already organized with the secretary of the guild to join with an alias so that I do not damage the Fortunith name and only the secretary and head of the guild knows who I actually am." 

Making my legs move I gently put the paper on his desk, letting him look over it with careful consideration. 

"When did you have time to set this up?" He read over it, seemingly impressed with the detail. 

"Bell did it for me!" I lied, knowing that I need permission to leave the property and Bell doesn't. 

"I see." He squinted, breaking out his reading glasses to really take it into consideration. "It says you are qualified to take on up to level 4 missions." 

Oh no. 

"Uh does," I didn't know what to say. The only reason it says that is because I did a preliminary try-out to prove I can join one of the largest the most prestigious adventuring guild in the empire. I completely forgot that it was on the application, too excited from the aspect of making it official. 

Sensing my flustered state he chuckled, genuinely chuckled, amused by me? Either way this reaction seems okay. He doesn't seem bothered by the discovery that I leave the manor often. As soon as he got to the end of the document, his cheerful demeanor suddenly just vanished. 

"Isn't this the guild the Winvestials are a part of?" 


Although not nobles, their accomplishments have been heard all over the nation. I heard that all of the men in that family are sword masters, and that is an honor that my father barely achieved and my uncle couldn't do. I heard they have a son right around my age, but I never saw them at the guild. 

"I believe so, yes," I answered, unsure why he seemed displeased by this fact. I thought he would like this guild is such a prestigious one. 

"Have you met them?" His voice got darker, his expression holding back anger for some reason. 

"No your grace," I began to fidget despite myself. I thought he wanted to do something for me. I knew this was too good to true. 

Once again seemingly sensing my discomfort he broke out a quill and signed the very bottom of it where he was supposed to. 

"This is the least I could do," I heard him mutter to himself, "Laraine, are you sure this is what you want for your birthday?" 

I nod, stepping forward to  take the document back but it was too far from my short reach, seeing how I barely came over the height of the massive desk. The Grand Duke was already a large man with a large desk to match so it was hard enough to stretch, but all of the sudden he stood up, walking around his desk to hand me the document himself. 

"You might be entering the guild as just 'Lara,' remember you are Laraine Fortunith." He was firm, almost making me feel like his family. 

"Thank you Grand Duke." I beamed, secretly wanting to cry after hearing that. No one had told me I was a Fortunith, so I just assume I wasn't one despite what all the servants said.

"Take this too," he suddenly slipped the family seal ring off his finger and gently took my small hand, placing it right in the center of my palm, "Should anyone question who you are you can use this." 

Only the head of the family wears the family seal ring. Gifted by the Emperor himself, it is the ultimate symbol of the power of the Fortunith family, with the family crest of a phoenix on fire right on the center of the massive ring. 

"T-thank you," I felt something warm roll down my cheek. I instinctively wiped it away and looked down at my hands to see them a little bit wet. My burning eyes and burning nose made me realize I was...crying. "Thank you." I found myself sob out, "Thank you so much Grand Duke." 

"Call me gr-..." he stopped himself, correcting himself, "You're welcome." 

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