Chapter 04.

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Kilo Reidmonth 1

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Kilo Reid
month 1. day 2.

a day later...

I walked into a room similar to the interrogation room they brought me to when I first got here.

"You look like shit."

I mugged a man that was sat at the table and limped to the chair on the opposite side. He was dressed in a suit and he asked me, "Do you know who I am?"

"Not a clue." I answered and I let out a sigh of relief once I was able to sit down.

"Nobody saw you leave, right?" He asked.

"Oh, nah... not at all. They made sure to be real discreet." I said in a sarcastic tone as I mugged the guards that brought me.

He suppressed a laugh and looked at one of the guards. "Take off the handcuffs."

They immediately unlatched the cuffs from my wrists and I gave him a weird look. "You going to tell me what this is about?"

He pulled out his badge and told me, "I'm an investigator for the FBI. I saw your profile and investigation report."

I nodded slowly as I waited for him to continue.

"I have a proposition for you." He said, "I was hoping you could help us find a woman who's currently located in the same prison as you."

"If you find her, you'll be released immediately."

My eyes nearly bulged at his last statement.

"She is the leader of a terrorist group. We don't know her real name, but we've been given info that she's been giving orders from inside this prison."

"She is a tall African-American woman, roughly 6 foot. She has army training on her side. And we've been told she has a large scar on her back."

I nodded in understanding as I continued listening.

"We were going to send someone undercover—"

"But since I'm already here and considered a criminal, even if I were to fail... it wouldn't hurt y'all. And it's too risky to send your own to find one lady." I said to complete his sentence.

He nods. "It's like killing two birds with one stone. ...So what do you say? Are you in?" He asked with a hopeful expression.

I thought about it for a while.

Well... I've got nothing to lose, and this is a chance for me to get out of here.

I nodded as I came to my decision, "I'm down."

- - -

When I got back to my cell, Yas had moved all her things to the top bunk. I took note of this as I said, "Hey?"

"What's up?" Yas responded as she peeked over from the top.

"Why'd you move your things?" I asked.

"Oh, that. You can stay on the bottom." She said before returning to reading her book. "You can't be climbing to the top with your body like that. It's gone slow your healing process."

I said nothing in response as I painfully laid myself down and released a breath.

She startled me when she suddenly jumped down and chuckled almost inaudibly. "My bad. I got you some pain pills from the infirmary."

I then realized she was holding something and she handed me two pills. I took them along with the small water bottle that she offered.

"Thanks... I appreciate it." I thanked her, sitting up slightly as I downed the pills. 

"It's good you haven't ran your mouth about what happened to you. I hope you keep it like that."

I gave her a puzzled look. "Why you say that? Because them white bitches'll plot against me?"

"Not jus' them, the guards too. You can't trust 'em like any other inmate, they all snakes." Yas stated, and it made a lot of sense.

"There's this elderly Asian lady a few cells from us, holla at her when you see her."

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Well, you already got your ass beat your first night. A little protection on your side ain't sounding too bad. After the shit Prez pulled at dinner yesterday, she basically claimed you as hers. You wanna be her bitch?" Yas asked monotonously.

"You know damn well I don't!" I snapped instantly.

I winced as Yas climbed on top of me. Every cell in my body exploded in pain, and it felt as if I was plastered to the bunk.

I had absolutely no power.

"Kilo, no matter how many slick comebacks you shoot out that mouth of yours... you can't protect yourself while you like this."

She grabbed the front of my pants, right where my privates was as she said, "I could rape you right here, right now, and you couldn't do shit about it."

"Yes, I could–!" I yelled as I fought back but she easily pinned me back against the thin padding.

"No, you couldn't." Yas said as she kept her gaze fixated on me. I stared back at her with pure anger as I yelled, "Get the fuck off me!"

Her face got a little closer as she asked, "Why don't you just be mine instead? Give me all of you, and I'll guarantee you safety in return."

"How does that sound?" She whispered into my ear and I was damn near shaking from anger.

I shoved her as I shouted, "Fuck you, nigga! I'd rather kill myself than be anyone's bitch!"

Yasmin stared at me with those dark eyes of hers before letting out another faint chuckle. Her expression didn't change once this whole ordeal, and that pissed me off even more.

She got off of me and stood up. "Good, keep that energy. I wanna see how long it's gone last."

She faced me as she said, "I'm just saying, you a easy target. 'Specially with how you look. You know that, right? Ain't that why you keeping them twists in that don't suit you?"

I just mugged her in response.

"I'm not sweet like Nat, or thoughtful like Mickey. I've got no intention on babysitting your ass." Yas said before climbing up to her bunk.

To Be Continued...
U - 05/14/22

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