most photogenic

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A few days later

"No we should totally paint" I say to Josh excited as I walk into his apartment "Hey Ophelia" Sam says bringing me into a hug as I walk through the kitchen to the living room "Hey Sammy" I say returning the hug "Be honest... what did you think about Josh's driving?" He says pulling away but keeping his hands on my upper arms "Uhmmm i'd say... seven out of ten?" I say putting my bags down on the couch

"I'm the twin who can drive" Jake says putting his arm around my shoulders "I drive just fine" Josh says as he grabs a beer out of the fridge "Danny!" I say leaving Jakes half embrace and giving Danny a hug "Guys I got the paint stuff ready" He says telling all of us as I go over to my bag and grab my phone and get my camera stuff together "We should make drinks" Danny says standing behind the counter in the kitchen "I want a margarita" Sam says as I hear bottles clinking "Oh me too!" I say as I keep my eyes on my camera putting a different lens on it.

Josh sits in front of me on the couch scrolling on his phone for the first time i've seen "I'll just do beer tonight guys" He says then takes a sip "Can I get a shot of you just for a test run? this is a new lens and sometimes they can be iffy" I ask Josh messing with the settings on my camera "Yeah of course, let me sit here the lightings better" Josh says moving to a lounge chair "Perfect" I laugh to myself and I bring the camera up and grab a shot

Josh sits in front of me on the couch scrolling on his phone for the first time i've seen "I'll just do beer tonight guys" He says then takes a sip "Can I get a shot of you just for a test run? this is a new lens and sometimes they can be iffy" I ...

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"I think that would look phenomenal in black and white" Josh suggested "Oh definitely" I agree with him "Alright let's go paint" Sam says with two drinks in hand and points towards the backyard area.

"What are you gonna paint?" Danny asks sitting next to me with his canvass in hand "It's not about what i'm painting it's about the story I tell in the painting" I say to Danny "Do you always do that?" He asks as he starts to paint "What do you mean?" I ask confused putting black as my base color "Make things more meaningful" He says "Yeah you tend to do that" Jake adds "I do not!" I argue with them "Prime example, you're a photographer, what do pictures hold? memories and memories are meaningful" Danny tells me still painting away.

I smile to myself and continue to paint "Well said Daniel" Jake says. I dust my pants off as I get up "Okay picture time" I say holding my camera and Jake turns around and gives me a "Told you so" look and I grab a shot of him

 I dust my pants off as I get up "Okay picture time" I say holding my camera and Jake turns around and gives me a "Told you so" look and I grab a shot of him

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"What do we have over here" I ask as I go over to Josh "A true masterpiece" He says jokingly "Alright give me something" I say kneeling down. Josh holds a hand out to the camera "Hey that's my thing you ass" Jake says with a laugh.

 "I can't argue with that" I say turning toward Jake trying to catch another shot of him "I think Lia likes taking pictures of me" He says teasing and laughs

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"I can't argue with that" I say turning toward Jake trying to catch another shot of him "I think Lia likes taking pictures of me" He says teasing and laughs

 "Maybe" I say as I go over to Sam "Alright Sam what do you got" I ask and he holds up his canvas "I think I see a horse in there somewhere" I say pointing at the brown spot on the canvas "You'd be correct" He says with a proud smile and hands me ...

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"Maybe" I say as I go over to Sam "Alright Sam what do you got" I ask and he holds up his canvas "I think I see a horse in there somewhere" I say pointing at the brown spot on the canvas "You'd be correct" He says with a proud smile and hands me my drink "Thanks" I whisper.

I check my phone and check the time "Hey Josh it's gonna get dark soon" I say since he's my ride "Just stay here, I have an extra room" He tells me. I can feel my cheeks go a bit red "Are you sure?" I ask him "Yeah of course, it's not a problem" He says with a smile "Thank you" I say quickly. I go back to my spot with Danny and grab a pic of him over his shoulder

"You definitely just took a picture of me didn't you?" He asks "Yeah you're the most photogenic" I whisper to him and I sit down with him "Heard that" Sam says and I laugh

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"You definitely just took a picture of me didn't you?" He asks "Yeah you're the most photogenic" I whisper to him and I sit down with him "Heard that" Sam says and I laugh. I down the rest of my drink and finish my painting. "Ta da!" I say holding up to everyone my finished painting "Now that's a keeper" Josh says taking it from my hands "That's gonna have to go in the music room" He says holding my painting up.

I painted their band name with different colored paints for the letters "Music room?" I ask "Just where we write or rehearse sometimes" Jake says holding his painting up "I'll show you it, come on"

"Oh wow..." I say looking at Jakes guitars in the room, Sams bass and piano, an electric drum kit obviously for danny and a few mic stands. Josh takes my painting and sets it on one of the shelves in the room "Perfect" Josh says.

"Do you happen to play anything?" Josh asks as I look and walk around the room some "If i tell you yes you'll wanna hear me play so therefore I have no clue about any instrument" I say with a sarcastic smile "What do you play?" He asks me still curious "Bass and guitar but don't tell Sam or Jake" I say holding a hand up and we walk out of the room together to find everyone inside "It's already dark out now so we came in" Danny says from the kitchen

"Ophelia!" Sam says from the fridge "Try one of these" He says tossing me a can of some sort "You're lucky i'm a good catch" I say looking at the can "Really? a topo chico alcoholic seltzer this can't be good" I say opening it and taking a sip, surprisingly it's very good "And you were saying?" Jake asks walking past me and shoving Sam out of the fridge "I think I found my new favorite drink" I say taking another sip "What about the salty dogs?!" Josh says offend from the couch "These are easier though" I say taking a seat with Danny at the kitchen table. Jake joins us too with his guitar in hand "Get ready for a long night" Danny warns and gets me another drink. I smile at him and listen to Jake play.

wildflower days ~ danny wagner Where stories live. Discover now