wear that

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2:15 AM

I feel a arm snake around my waist, it was Danny. It wakes me up immediately. He plants a kiss behind my ear "I was being ridiculous earlier Ophelia, I wasn't hearing you out like I should have, I wasn't being supportive. I'm sorry.." He says with voice low

"I thought about it.. i'm not gonna take it, you guys mean everything to me.. Im not gonna throw everything away, you were right about that part" I say now facing him in bed. He plants a long kiss on my lips and then pulls me into his chest. I listen to his heartbeat and soon fall asleep.

10:00 am

I wake up to an empty bed, Danny left earlier this morning. I was scared to face Sam, he was pissed last night and he had every reason to be. I did hesitate, I did think about leaving even though I shouldn't have

"Lia?" Josh knocks on the door "Hey.." He says walking in "Hi" I say back as I open my laptop "Is everything okay with-" "Me and Danny are fine it's just Sam now" I tell him as I start replying to the email that caused everything yesterday "He cant stay mad at you if you aren't going" he walks around the bed and sits next to me.

I shrug my shoulders "Lia I care for you, I care about you okay? you'll have my support on anything" He talks with his hands "Alright?" He asks looking over to me. I stop typing "Alright" I say quietly.

I send the email saying I'm not taking the offer and shut my laptop "I'm gonna go talk to Sam" I sigh as I get up.

I knock on the door to Sam's room and he opens the door, I let myself in. "I'm gonna start first" I say holding up a finger "First of all, screw you for not supporting me" Sam goes to start talking

"No im definitely not done, You are my best friend, you are my family and you do not get to be mad at me anymore if my own boyfriend isn't, so therefore take the stick that's up your ass, pull it out and stop being mad at me" I let my breath go.

Sam looks at me trying not to laugh "So it's funny?" I say disappointed and start for the door "Ophelia-" He grabs my arm and pulls me back "I not mad anymore, I just thought your.. speech was hilarious and I have pulled the stick outta my ass, so let's go join everyone in the kitchen" He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

Jake sees me and takes me under his arm "All good now?" He asks quietly. I nod my head yes. "Wanna go out later?" Danny asks as I walk over to him. The rest of the guys are caught up in a a conversation not hearing us "Like a date?" I ask "Like a date" He nods his head down a little "Where?" I ask as I put my arms around his waist and look up at him "Mmmm how about, a restaurant" he says being a smartass

"Oh wow like the ones with food?!" I say matching his tone "But for real I wanna have a nice dinner with you, or we could even do lunch" He says checking his phone "Lunch sounds great" I tell him as I pull away and start towards my room "And where would you be going?" Jake follows me to my room "On a lunch date" I say looking through my clothes "Wear that" Jake points to a flowy crop top that's got a floral design on it. I pick out my pants too and shoo Jake out of the room so I can change.

I walk out of my room going to find Danny when I see Jakes black hat placed on the floor in front of my door.

I smile to myself and put it on. I walk past Jakes room and smile at him. "Hey are you ready?" I ask leaning up against the doorway of Dannys room "Yeah almost-" He stops mid sentence and looks me up and down "You look beautiful" He says pulling me in from my waist and kisses me "Thank you" I smile up at him and we pull away. We start making our way to lunch.

wildflower days ~ danny wagner Where stories live. Discover now