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"Our son"

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"Our son"

"I'm pregnant."

The silence was heavy as you stared at your husband with joy in your eyes. You were giddy and excited to tell him and ended up telling him right when he walked through the door coming home from work. You could not believe after months of trying, finally you were pregnant.

Of course, you didn't know that Toji has been trying for much longer than that but that wasn't important right now.

Toji was frozen in the doorway, eyes wide as he tried to process what you just said to him. Like, damn girl, mans hasn't even sat down or hugged you yet, much less say anything to you.

"Is... Is it... mine...?" He asked, still completely shocked by the news. A stupid question to ask to be honest.

You laughed and cupped his face. "Who else am I married to, Toji?" You teased, showering his tense face with kisses and trying to bring him back to reality. "We're going to be parents, Toji! Can you believe it?!"

You jumped excitedly into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist, his shock slowly turning into awe. He wrapped his arms around you and held you by your thighs, now finally walking into his shared home with you and burying his head into your neck, a soft chuckle leaving his lips while he squeezed you closer to him.

"...Parents," Toji muttered while you gently ran your fingers through his black hair, humming with contentment as he made his way to the couch and slowly placed you down with him hovering over you.

"Parents, Toji," you repeated cupping his left cheek and smiling. Toji leaned into your touch and let out a small smile, leaning down and capturing your lips in a slow kiss. You responded quickly and tangled your hands behind his neck, pulling him closer and feeling his rough hands going up and down your sides.

You both pulled away and rested your heads against each other, your smile not wavering in the slightest.

"I love you," you whispered.

Toji hummed in response and buried his face in your neck again, giving you soft kisses on your neck while you brushed his hair. He never was one to say it often but he showed how much he loved you through his actions and man, did he make you melt every time.

His hand brushed over your stomach, stopping there while he moved closer to you.

That was his child in you.

His child was inside of his wife.

His family.

He let out a sigh of tranquility and continued to litter your neck with soft kisses while you whispered how excited you were for your child to come into this world and how much you loved the man in your arms.

Toji lifted his head and captured your lips once more in a slow kiss before kissing the rest of your face while your smile softened with love and affection for your husband.

His hand on your stomach began to rub circles as he leaned back and stared at your stomach with awe.

"...my child," he muttered, feeling your hands on his face and leaning into you again.

You giggled and nodded. "All yours," you reassured, pulling him down to you again and showering him with kisses while he closed his eyes and relished in your affection.

The moment was filled with love and excitement as you both held each other close, whispering and muttering affirmations to each other, and in that single moment, there was nothing else. 

Just the two of you, eager and thrilled about a third tiny member coming to join your small family.

God, you were just so excited.


Whoever said that love at first sight did not exist is a liar.

At first, you weren't one to believe in it either, and you definitely did not fall in love with Toji at first sight.

But when you held your son for the first time, instantly you knew that you would do absolutely anything for him. You would sacrifice everything in the world for your son and give him anything that he wanted.

Barely a few minutes into the world and you were so in love with your son.

"He looks just like you," you said, looking up at your husband who stared down at your son with a blank expression but you could see the awe in his green eyes that resembled his son's.

You moved over to the side so that Toji could sit next to you in your hospital bed. Slowly, he sat next to you while you handed over your son to him.

"Hold him, Toji," you suggested while he clumsily held his son in his hands. You watched with amusement as he struggled to hold the newborn child in his arms. He got the hang of it soon and stared down at the big newly formed green eyes and tiny hands that flailed around, trying to reach up to Toji's black hair.

You smiled while Toji leaned down and allowed your son to try and grip Toji's hair. Of course, he was just born so he didn't have complete control over his body but it was adorable watching the two of them interact with each other.

God, you were just so in love with your family.

You leaned back in your bed while Toji glanced over at your tired body. You hummed at him, not letting him worry over you while you closed your eyes and snuggled closer to your husband.

"...name him, Toji..." you muttered, fatigue getting the better of you after 16 hours of labor. 

Toji tightly held your son in his left arm while his right went around you to pull you even closer to him. His family. Finally.

He would cherish you both with all he could.

Both of you were the light in his dark and faded life. He felt alive with you and now with his new son, he felt complete.

It was almost too good to be true and it scared him.

He couldn't lose any of you.

You guys were his.

His family. 

His light.

His blessings.


"...Megumi..." Toji whispered while you let out a tired smile and rubbed your head against him.

"Megumi then," you confirmed, falling asleep surrounded by your new family.

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