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"Our Terrible Twos"

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"Our Terrible Twos"

You and Toji were spread out on the couch and living room floor, exhausted and sleep-deprived. Megumi, now two years old, was calmly playing with his stuffed animals on the floor next to you. 

Just a few minutes before, you and Toji were struggling to get Megumi to sit still so that he could eat, chasing him around the house and dodging toys and clothes that were scattered all over the house.

You and Toji thought that the two of you could corner him but then Megumi started wailing, causing the two of you to flinch and step away so you both wouldn't scare him, only for him to race between your legs and start the chase all over again.

"God, he's fast," you panted, looking over at your quiet son playing with his stuffed elephant with not a care in the world.

You were clearly exhausted and if Toji was fully rested, this whole chase would have been over the second it started.

Unfortunately, though, neither of you was well-rested since Megumi started to barge into your room and forcibly insert himself between you and Toji.

It was cute at first, but now that it's been going on for a few weeks and affecting your sleep schedule... it's... slightly... less... cute.

Toji began to hold a silent grudge toward his son. 

How the hell was he going to get cuddles from his wife if his son keeps getting in the damn way?

Megumi already gets all your attention during the day! When was it Toji's turn for some attention?!

He frowned and groaned. Okay, well now he sounded like a spoiled brat, but still. Megumi should be thankful to Toji! If it wasn't for him, Megumi wouldn't have been made!

"Papa," Megumi called, waddling over to Toji's side with a concentrated expression. Toji lifted his head and stared down at his son.






...well, they certainly are related with their extensive vocabulary...

Megumi crawled up in Toji's lap with his stuffed elephant and snuggled closer to the muscular man. 

You clenched your heart and blushed at the sight, turning away from them and slowly sliding down the couch.

They were just too cute!

Toji and Megumi watched you with confused faces. You turned back around.

Toji and Megumi both raised an eyebrow and tilted their heads.

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