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"Our Unexpected Guests"

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"Our Unexpected Guests"

"What the hell is going on here?" You whispered.

You entered your house and were immediately bombarded by the sight of a horde of rabbits. Rabbits covered the entire floor of your house and you let out a gasp of surprise. 

The rabbits, startled by you, ran at you and jumped you. You staggered backward with a yelp and left the door open so that they could escape without you in their way.

A wave of rabbits left your house and you panted with shock. 

What the hell just happened?

You entered your house again, now filled with a smaller amount of rabbits, and began to look around for your husband and son.

"Uh... Toji? Megumi?" You called, now trapped in the living room since you didn't want to step on a rabbit.

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in your house as four-year-old Megumi popped from around the corner. He beamed towards you and ran at you, the rabbits moving away from him to clear a path.

"Mama!" He excitedly yelled out. You crouched down and picked him up, staring down at the multiple rabbits in your house.

"Gumi, why are there... bunnies in here?" You softly asked, carefully stepping around the rabbits while you looked around for your husband.

"Bunnies got Papa," he said, snuggling into your neck and squeezing you tightly. You blinked at the statement. 

What the hell does that mean?

Suddenly, there was a crash from the kitchen. 

You skillfully stepped around the rabbits and made your way to the kitchen, only to see Toji being buried by rabbits. Your jaw dropped while he began swatting the bunnies away from him in an attempt to dig himself out of the pile of rabbits.

Well, the bunnies certainly do have Papa.

"Oh boy," you muttered, setting down a whining Megumi and going over to help your husband up, giggling quietly to yourself all the while. You carefully set the bunnies away from him and began to dig through them to find your husband's face.

You pulled a rabbit away and found the highly irritated expression of your husband, not at all amused about the situation he was in. You held out a hand to him and tried your best to pull him out of the hill of rabbits. 

Once he stood up, he dusted himself off before turning and frowning at Megumi, who was now hiding behind your legs.

"So... do I wanna know why there are a million rabbits in our house?" You asked, an amused smirk plastered on your face while he grunted and glared down at Megumi.

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