Chapter One| Abrupt wake up

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A calm Saturday morning, a group of four friends laid sprawled out on the high class living room floor some on the couches. Fast asleep like nothing even fazed them... That was until a tall brunet came crashing into the room with a loud BANG! Immediately the group jumped up from their slumber.

"Alex what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Amy yelled at him, her hair all over the place.

"Guess what! I have amazing news!" Alex jumped up and down excitedly before he noticed the glare they all gave him, "Oh... Sorry Amy," The blonde-Amy-just rolled her eyes yawning.

"I barely get enough sleep as is bro, this better be good." Dylan grumbled eyes closed as he lay lazily on the couch.

"Don't lie to us Dylan." Melissa closed her shocking green eyes and sighed. Dylan's eyes shot open instantly he overdramatically put his hand on his chest pretending to be offended.

"I'll have you know thirteen hours sleep is far from enough, I need at least fifteen to function Mel, you of all people know this!"

"I have news!" Alex yelled again making everyone intently focus on him remembering the reason they were woken up quite rudely. "I just won us a vacation!" once again he began jumping on his heels excitedly.

Alex had always been over enthusiastic; the type of person who would want to go skinny dipping into boiling lava just because he thought it'll be cool. Amy however was the paranoid person within the group, always going against anything Alex wanted to do because she didn't want to die. Dylan on the other hand... Well he's not the smartest person within the closely knitted friend group, he got into university on scholarship with barely average grades but one of the first to sell three song albums at the age of nineteen. Therefor he would always be the first to side with Alex on something. Only person that stopped him was Melissa-Mel-as everyone calls her, she had always been the co-leader of the group, always trying to be reasonable but most times failing miserably because of her short temper. Ever since the day she stumbled into Dylan.

In the corner of the room a girl sat between the wall and the glass window, eyeing the group patiently. Her dark black curls neatly behind her ear making her golden brown eyes stand out-Max-the 'mother' of the group. Always being sensible with certain situation's reasonable and cared for everyone's wellbeing. She was the smart, warm loving person within the group. Being exactly what they all need... Thought when they were sceptical of letting her into the group five years ago, when they were in college.

"How'd you manage that?" Dylan mumbled sitting up from the black couch.

The whole apartment mostly was way too bright for a morning like this; brightness seemed to reflect off of the mirror onto the light wooden floors. The TV's brightness also not helping as it reflected onto the small table.

"Remember I told you guys about that comic book competition?" Alex smiled his soft brown eyes roaming over his friends. No one seemed to recall what he was talking about. And his smile dropped, "Way to be supportive."

"I'm guessing you wrote some sort of comic book that won you a ticket to somewhere?" Mel asked her perfectly shaped eyebrow rising ever so slightly.

"Exactly that I sent in one of my comics and it won second place!" Alex's smile returned.

"Wait if a vacation is second. What was first place?" Dylan asked confusion clear on his face, Amy sighed before answering his question. "I remember this competition now, first place was having your comic produced and sold. And a meeting with some famous comic artist at that nerd show he always wants to go to."

"It's not a nerd show, the the artist is Stan Lee so it was worth it either way. They are still going to sell my comic either way." Alex corrected.

"Please tell me this vacation isn't to Disney Land or something?" Max sighed in defeat knowing Alex has wanted to go for months.

"No they denied that suggestion of mine. Instead they gave me five tickets to the lost Island?" Alex asked pulling the plane tickets from his pocket, "Yeah, Lost Island. Anyone ever hear about it?"

Everyone looked around in confusion, "No... I can do a Google search." Melissa said standing up to fetch her phone.

"I'm not going." Amy declared pulling her shoulder length blonde hair into a ponytail.

"But you might enjoy it!" Alex raised his voice, slightly offended.

"Alex it's an island in the middle of nowhere, do you know how many illnesses or infections you can get there? Or murderers! Hell maybe we can get hit by a tornado!" She ranted on and on about everything that can possibly go wrong for the next ten minutes, most scenarios farfetched and very unlikely to happen.

"Please Amy?" Dylan begged giving her the best sad look he could muster, "It won't be the same without you?"

"I'm not going." she insisted, Max sighed standing up from the floor; "If you don't go who will warn us of dangerous infections? Or warn us of poisonous plants or insects or food? Who's going to be there to save our lives?"

Amy's eyes widened instantly, "Me?"

"Exactly, we need you to come with us," Max smiled running her hands through her hair trying to untangle all the curls.

"Well The Lost Island is a five star resort; there isn't much information on it. Apparently very clean oceans, amazing five star hotel. And it's not over populated." Melissa entered the room again reading everything off her phone. Completely oblivious to the conversation everyone had to convince Amy.

"So when do we leave?" Dylan jumped up excitement colouring his every move.

Alex read the plane ticket once again, "We leave tomorrow at 8pm. should probably start packing now."

Dylan jumped up before yelling, "I'll go call us all in sick!"

And with that, they all stumbled into the greatest mystery known to mankind...

1032 Words

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