Introducing Amy McCarthy

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Help those who can't help

The hospital was cold as Amy sat with her head between her knees. "How are you holding up?" Her cousin-Matt-asked placing one of his rough hands on her shoulder.

"I can't believe it's all happening..." She whispered her teary eyes staring up at his, "She was fine."

He sighed, the situation hit them both quite hard. The only woman in their whole family who would actually take care of them, who raised them. Laid within room 24C in critical condition busy calling in one for one of the children she raised. To say goodbye.

"It's unfair," Amy sobbed softly hugging her knees to her chest on the cold tiled floor, "She shouldn't be the one to leave... She should never have gotten ill."

"Amy McCarthy? She would like to see you now." A male nurse asked approaching cautiously.

Sighing Amy nodded before following him into the cold tiled room decorated with lilies. Their grandmother's favorite.

"Amy sweety don't cry," The elderly woman smiled softly watching her grandchild approach. The machines next to her connected to different places on her body.

Amy shook her head clearly unable to take the sight infront of her. Too afraid to meet those same electric pale baby blue eyes, the identical ones she had. "I know it's hard sweety, but I don't want my last memory of us to be a bad one."

The woman's smile seemed brighter than the sun itself, full of joy and patience as if the doctors hadn't told her it might be time to say goodbye.

"I can't lose you aswell." Amy's voice cracked.

"I'll always be with you sweety... Come closer." The old lady motioned for Amy to come closer.

Nodding Amy walked closer towards the woman who laid still in the hospital bed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You're a beautiful woman Amy, I know you're going to do some great things. You'll be amazing at any job you set out for. I loved taking care of you and Matt, your parents never knew what they missed out on sweetheart." She smiled softly moving to take Amy's hands holding them in her warm embrace.

"I wish I could change everything," Amy sobbed looking down at their intertwined hands.

"Amy, you knew this was going to happen sometime, it's a pity it had to be this soon. But we can't control it."

The woman smiled a tear rolling down her cheek, "Just remember, work hard to achieve what you set out for. I know you and Matt would set out to do amazing things and I couldn't be any more proud of you. Remember what I always say? Don't forget that."

"Help those who are unable to help themselves..."


Amy never thought she'd have to say goodbye to the one person she's had all her life, setting out to become a lawyer she finds out three weeks after her grandmother's passing that they could infact have saved her.

Between the grief and pain she felt, changing her entire career path Amy went to medical school. Studying harder to achieve what she set out for. She might not have been able to help her grandmother then, but she could help someone in need.

Looking for something more Amy stumbles into a group of friends. One very unlikely to form but one that meant the world to her....

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