Chapter Six | Pineapples, Chocolate and Toast

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Max yawned turning to her side where she snuggled into the warmth beside her, still in a daze... Then it clicked. The warmth she was snuggling into was moving, her eyes snapped open and she was met by a bare tanned chest.

"What are you doing in my room?!" She yelled staring into the eyes of her offender.

He yawned lazily, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep before humming. "What do you mean puppy?"

"This is my room!" she growled, "You shouldn't be in here!"

Jaxon lifted his head up looking at her, then the room, then back at her. As if realization set in he jumped slightly. Jumping out of the bed, Max-Without meaning to-took in the view. His body was lean and muscular, his hair messy sticking out at odd angles.

Shaking his head furiously, "No, this is my room ever since I arrived!"

"You were at the tattoo parlor when I left last night! I came to the room first and probably forgot to lock." she glared coming back to reality.

"No it was locked this is the room I've been staying in for two years!"

Two years? That thought tickled Max's brain more than she liked to admit, this room was spotless and there were no signs of anyone else living in it. Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts she huffed and stormed out of the bed. He's obviously lying.

"Let's settle this." Jaxon groaned falling back onto the bed. "I have the key chain, hince my room."

Max grumbled something under her breath searching for her suitcase eagerly, "I have the key chain to this room, not you."

"Oh, really?" Jaxon huffed in disbelief, she wanted to lie like this now?

Max nodded narrowing her eyes, "I definitely don't like you." she mumbled.

He scoffed before rolling his eyes, "Oh but I was fine for you last night and yesterday afternoon? And fine to be dragged to the tattoo parlor with you! Even after that beast of a friend of yours pounced on me like some animal hunting it's prey!"

"He's just concerned about me!" She growled back, "And that doesn't even matter right now! This is my room!"

"Fine," he huffed, "On three we say the keychain we have, which will determine who's room this is."

"One," he started counting. Max crossed her arms over her chest. Stopping her search for the suitcase.


"On three or after three?" Max interrupted.

Sighing Jax ran a hand through his hair, "Obviously after Maxine."

Nodding she crossed her arms still glaring daggers at him, "One,"



"Magnolia." They both said in unison.

Max's eyes widened, "Oh crap,"

Jaxon seemed to be equally shocked, "But, how?"

"How am I supposed to know?!" she growled.

Jaxon wiped at his eyes running a hand down his face, taking in Max's lack of clothes. In the shortest shorts which showed off her long legs, and perfect thick thighs. Her crop top allowing anyone to see her slim stomach and curves. Her chest heaving slightly, mostly from shock and anger of waking up next to a stranger.

The Lost IslandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora