Chapter Four | Rooms With Strangers

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Melissa sat down on the beige couch, Dylan collapsing down next to her. Yawning loudly she gave him a pointed look. Only to be met by his confused one, shaking her head she looked around the seating area. Max waved at her before turning her attention back to Mason who was in the middle of some story.

"Who is that?" she questioned Dylan whom just looked the boy up and down.

Shrugging his shoulders Dylan turned back to her, "I have no idea, probably someone she met on the plane."

"But Max never... Socializes?" Melissa uttered, her confusion clear.

"I don't know, I didn't see him on the plane. Or anyone for that matter..."

"Nor do I recall seeing him, I fell asleep as soon as we hit the air." She yawned her green eyes seemed to be in a haze as she looked around the group of people.

More started walking through the doors into the open waiting area, what everyone assumed to be visitors already.

Closing her eyes Melissa leaned into the couch some more, listening to the soft waves crashing against the wood. Leaning into Dylan's shoulder she smiled as the birds chirped, never noticing the way his breath hitched.

"That's a beautiful sound isn't it?" Melissa sighed in content.

Dylan chuckled slightly, "Amy doesn't think so."

"What?" Melissa's eyes opened as she looked around them, "Where is she? I haven't seen her yet."

"She is there." Dylan laughed pointing in Amy's direction.

Sure enough Amy sat there with her earphones trying to block out the sound of the waves, Alex awkwardly sat next to her. His eyes pleading someone to help, Melissa couldn't help but laugh at this. Poor Alex was all that popped into her mind, he had to sit next to a nut again.

"She surely is one of a kin-" Melissa was cut off.

"Hello everyone!" Ruth came back through the glass doors, standing on the wooden stairs as she watched over the people within the room.

"I'm happy to announce, the buffet is ready. It's in the open planned bungalow in the middle of the whole walkway, if you don't mind following me." She smiled slowly turning to walk out, others following close behind.

Dylan groaned, "What is it with this woman and her walking around? Couldn't they bring the food here?"

"If they could, I think they would've wouldn't they?" Melissa giggled, "Come on, let's go save Alex before he throws himself into the ocean."

Dylan stood up lazily huffing, "Fine, you grab that moron. I'll go grab Max,"

Nodding she walked towards Alex whom tried his absolute best to get Amy to stand up. "Please princess." He sighed kneeing down infront of her his head resting in her lap.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a couple." Melissa laughed making Amy's head shoot up.

Her eyes narrowed, "He wishes,"

Little did she know how badly Alex actually wanted her, standing up with a sigh he shook his head. "I'll see you guy's at the buffet... Where is it?"

Snorting Amy pointed towards all the people leaving the room, "Follow them to the death trap."

"Death trap?" Melissa asked slightly confused.

Amy nodded furiously, "Obviously! This entire island's hotel are actually Over-water bungalows, do you know how dangerous these are?" she exclaimed.

The Lost IslandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon