Chapter Eight | Beneath The Waves

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The island staff buzzed around like a hive of busy bee's around the few people who showed up for lunch once they finished their treasure hunt. Many were left disappointed as so far no one had won the hunt, and it left Alex and Amy in a rather hopeless mood.

After Amy had yelled at the guests of the island at the hunt, threatening those who participated that when they won. She would do very bad things to them, such as taking away allergy medication. In which Alex didn't find any harm, if the other guests were anything like him they never carried it around.

They sat lazily and watched others swarming by with plates filled with different exotic fruits and punch. Alex stared down at his plate filled with sliced colourful food. The tables were beautifully decorated with coconuts and plants as the center pieces, all the cutlery seemed to be made out of food. Each table a different colour cloth covering the hard wood, they sat at the white table cloth covered in a tiny coconut pattern.

Amy sobbed infront of him calling more attention towards them as he felt comfortable with. After her drunken state of a fun free spirit this morning it quickly turned into a upset moody childish state he didn't know how to handle. She acted literally like a small toddler and Alex had no experience with anything of the sort. He has always been used to being the one taken care of not being the care taker.

"I want ice cream!" Amy sobbed earning looks from the waiters whom ran up and down from table to table.

Alex sighed loudly, "Amy sweetheart you have ice cream right in front of you." He referred to the bowl infront of her only earning another louder cry.

Rubbing his temples softly to try distract himself from the growing migraine his frown only grew more, he was not used to this side of Amy. In fact it had always been hidden from him, whenever she got drunk with Max or went out for some drinks with Melissa she would always call it an early night. Instead of ever acting out.

What was in those drinks? Was all that ran through his mind.

What could be so strong she would react like this? In public...

The girl's cry finally came to an end and instead was replaced by a soft bundle of whimpers. Make-up smudged and hair messy out of its usual straight state. Her pale blue eyes focused on the ice cream melting in front of her, she picked up the spoon that rested neatly next to the clear glass bowl filled with the melting pink dessert.

Alex slowly released a breath relieved for the small bit of silence he could get out of her.

"Feeling better?" He asked gently like he could set her off at any moment and the cycle would repeat.

She nodded silently taking the first small bite then looking up back into his sunken eyes. "I'm fine why do you ask?"

"Amy I think you had one too many, maybe a afternoon nap will help." He suggested the edge in his voice seemed to put strain on it.

"I'm fine just a little emotional." She giggled.

Alex stared at her in disbelief, "A little emotional?!" He nearly screamed.

"You just threw a huge scene in front of everyone after the treasure hunt because the beach is too sandy! It's supposed to be. Then you started screaming at the waiters here at lunch! After that little fiasco you threw about them not having ice cream they specail made your own batch which you don't like! And you spent an hour crying over it."

This earned yet another sob to escape Amy's lips, his heart broke at the thought of him making her cry but he did mean his little out burst. "Look Amy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream. I'm just a little worked up is all, I'm not used to this amount of responsibility."

She sniffled and hiccuped as the tears slightly dried up once again, "I want to go to bed." She whined.

"Great idea! Let's go do that." Alex didn't waste any time before he jumped to his feet.

Whereas Amy remained seated. Eating her melted dessert, causing a low groan to escape Alex in displeasure. And suddenly he felt sorry for all his drunken nights where all his friends had to take care of him. Even though I'm not this difficult.

"Or it can wait until you are finished." He grumbled.

Another giggle came from Amy as she poured their punch into her ice cream.

"Well there's nothing I can do now." Alex angrily sat back down, "Why can't you sober up?"

Amy paused her shenanigans as if taking his question seriously she answered, "Because my body is severely sensitive to alcohol, I've been a light weight no matter what or how much I drink. Not that I even drank this morning anyway." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Amy you drank four cocktails this morning, I'm not expert but those were loaded with al-"

"Those were virgin cocktails!" She argued.

Alex rolled his eyes running a hand through his hair, "You are a grown woman Amy why are you carrying on like a five year old? Those were not virgin cocktails you ordered the wrong ones you are drunk!"

And before the conversation could escalate Amy was out of her seat and into the swarm of waiters, he jumped up instantly trying to locate Amy. But she had already taken off running out of the lunch area.

"Amy please get back here!" He screamed at the top of his lungs causing the staff and the guests to stare at him. Not the attention he ever liked but at this moment he didn't really care what others thought.

At that moment he had only one responsibility and it wasn't easy too.

He had to find Amy


Amy ran down the wooden walk way towards her bungalow tripping over her own feet.

She stumbled and nearly tripped a few times, other guests on the walk way gave a few strange looks in her way.

Her head spun and breathing slowed as she came to a stop in front of bungalow. Her heart started beating in her ears, all colour disappeared in her face.

"Amy stop running!" Alex shouted running towards her, trying to catch up.

But it was too late, Amy fell off the walk way into the icy water. Panic ran through Alex's veins in seconds at the sight. Not even thinking he jumped into the water after her.

The cold water felt like ice against his skin, the clear blue water seemed to get rough. Too rough to see Amy sinking deeper into the icy waters. He struggled against the blue sea trying so hard to find her.

Alex's panic doubled over at the burning in his eyes from the salt water. Guests from the island started crowding around at the sight they just witnessed.

He saw her figure blur through the water and swam closer lifting her light body into his arms, swimming back to the surface. Letting someone grab Amy from his arms lifting her to safety.

His legs got weaker by the second, and lungs felt like they were about to explode from the pressure of holding his breath. His head started spinning and lungs burning, the waves crashing above him as he sunk down to the sand bank. Feeling weakness spread to his entire body he left the water to take him.

In a flash something hit the side of his head, instinctively without thinking he grabbed the foreign object. It felt sleek against his palm opening his eyes as exhaustion set in a glowing green rock stood before him. Crystal like, shoving it into his pocket he tried to swim back to the surface, but it was too late exhaustion already set in.

I guess this is my faith...

1350 Words.

Short chapter will be rewritten while being edited.

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