Chapter Seven | Treasure Hunt!

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Max scowled as she walked into the lunch Dylan still looking over at them curiously, Jaxon following close on her tail. Zack and Melissa had eventually decided to sit next to Dylan across from each other, but he's attention still remained on the two who entered the room.

Jaxon had a smirk on his face sighing, "Why are you so dramatic?"

"I am not dramatic!" She all but growled, "Stay away from me,"

And with that she took the seat next to Zack across Dylan, her eyes immediately roaming his decorated skin. Before taking in Dylan and his lunch, "What exactly is happening?"

"I'm Zack, I don't believe we've met before?" Zack smiled in a flirtatious manner.

Noticing the look Zack gave Jaxon took a seat next to Max, casually throwing his arm over her shoulders. "Back off Zachary she's off limits."

Melissa's interest peaked at this, slightly hurt at Zack's flirting with another girl infront of her she shook the thoughts from her mind immediately. Then she continued to look at all three of them curiously, "Since when?"

Dylan sighed loudly taking another bite if his odd meal, earning a few questioning looks from people around the table. Jaxon eyeing his lunch curiously, "What is that?"

"Food," Was Dylan's short reply, "I don't think this vacation was a good idea, Max is already with a guy she's only known a day. And Amy is taking pics of Alex stuffing his nose with butter."

"What?" Melissa and Max asked in unison both looking around with wild eyes. Dylan only took another bite before pointing in the direction Amy and Alex sat in.

Alex now had a strawberry in one ear, whilst Amy focused on actually eating her food. She didn't seem to mind what he was doing, raising more suspicion between the three.

Jaxon burst out laughing, "You guys have some weird friends."

Max glared at him shrugging off his arm, "First of all they are not weird, secondly I am not taken or off limits in any way. And I told you to stay away from me!"

"At least I haven't lost my mind," Melissa sighed, only earning a scoff from Dylan. With a roll of his eyes he took another bite of his food.

His eyes swiftly observed her confused expression after feeling her eyes burn through his skull before he answered her unasked question, "Don't even get me started on you,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Melissa asked a little taken aback, completely ignoring Max And Jaxon's bickering. Zack laid back in his chair sending an unimpressed look at Dylan.

"Bro that's not very respectful of you."

Dylan scoffed again taking another bite of his food, "I don't really care,"

"What has gotten into you?" Melissa growled lowly.

Dylan shrugged still munching on his toast, Max signed uneasily under the tension ignoring the conversation between her and Jaxon like it never happened.

"So plans for today?" Jaxon asked trying to ease the very uncomfortable situation.

"Good day everybody!" As if on cue Ruth's voice rang throughout the room, cutting off many conversations held just mere seconds ago.

Dylan sighed, "This is the announcement,"

"Another one?" Jaxon groaned, "She talks too much."

Ruth in her business attire stood on a chair from an half empty table calling more attention to herself, "I have some exciting news!" She sang.

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