Chapter Two | A Flight To Forget

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The airport brightened up the night sky as soon as the group arrived. Max pulled a strand of hair behind her ear as she took in the view, it had taken them at least twenty minutes to park the car. It was 6:20pm. And the group had already messed up their plan by waking up late.

"So we need to get past security checks. Does everyone have their boarding passes?" Amy questioned pulling out a notebook, huffing she added; "Boarding passes and tickets, carry-ons and everyone takes their own luggage."

"LET'S GO!!!" Alex hollered jumping out of his seat as everyone got out of the car.

Melissa sighed, "Gate number?"

"Gate 22A flight 224... Anyone notice the resemblance?" Dylan asked reading his ticket eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked as Max started packing out the car handing everyone their bags.

Dylan shook his head, "Gate 23A but the four from 224 looks like the A."

"You are just being paranoid." Alex whined.

Max shrugged, "Are we going or what? We still need to get past security and we're already late."

"Yeah..." Dylan sighed glancing at Melissa who stared at him in distress.

"I have a bad feeling about this." She mumbled.

Alex scoffed, "No you just have a bad feeling from that poisonous food."

"Not now Alex." Max growled her threatening demeanor back as soon as she laid eyes on everyone around them.

Melissa's eyebrows rose slightly, "You see, it's like talking to a hostile wolf."

Dylan burst out laughing. This earned him a glare from Max as a warning. He stopped laughing almost instantly.

"You can't deny you are scary Max." Alex laughed picking up his bag.

Max shook her head stalking off to the airports glass doors, the rest following quickly behind her. The airport seemed to buzz with all the different conversations being held. People rushing in and out, others just sitting in the waiting areas. Alex was the first in their small group traveling through the doors to speak, "How long is this flight again?"

"You'll see." Max mumbled pulling her bag closer towards herself.

The group travelled through the airport almost effortlessly, Melissa's demeanour didn't change. Her hands fiddled with her sunflower bracelet that hung loosely on her arm. Amy noticed this huffing at Alex as he nearly walked into a pillar she asked Melissa softly, "Why are you skittish?"

"You're not?" Melissa whispered.

"If there was something to be paranoid about, you of all people know I'd be the first to freak out." She pointed out nodding her head.

Melissa pulled a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear sighing, "I just have a very bad feeling about this."

"We're at the international airport with real flight tickets," Dylan chimed in silently listening to their whole conversation, "We'll be fine kitten."

"Okay." Melissa nodded, not actually believing a word he said.

The airport echoed with calls for certain flights to board, by the time they made it through security the group had an hour to get to their gate. Alex insisting on leading the way while the rest walked in silence watching him nearly crashing into people walking by. Max shook her head at the boy's enthusiasm, too energetic and happy to care Alex jumped on his heels leading the way.

"Maybe he shouldn't have slept during the car ride." Max sighed looking back at her friends.

Amy walked watching the ground like a hawk as to not step in gum or anything-as she calls it-deadly. Melissa lazily walked next to Amy still fiddling with her bracelet while she pulled her suitcase.

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