the camp

785 18 1

1 year ago

a bleach blonde haired guy jumped off the bus before anyone else had the chance to. he was more than ready to train at the All-Japan Youth Camp with the best of his fellow young volleyball players. he had been waiting for this day ever since he got the invitation, and now it was finally here.

this specific volleyball player was Atsumu Miya, the setter of Inarizaki High's volleyball team. a competitive player striving for perfection, that's what he was.

he walked up to the Ajinomoto National Training Center's glass doors and pulled the handle with determination. inside he saw a sea of volleyball jerseys, in which he tried to catch a glimpse of any familiar face as he walked around.

then he spotted a pair of familiar eyes. before Atsumu knew it, he was glued to these deep, mesmerizing, midnight black eyes... and they were staring right back at him, from across the room.

snapping out of his trance as the other person shut his eyes and shifted his gaze, Atsumu finally took a look at the player who had captivated him already. wearing a bright yellow-green jersey and a face mask with thick black curls framing the top of his face was none other than the Kiyoomi Sakusa.

the setter had heard a lot about this ace and even caught a few of his games, though he had never felt the pleasure of playing against his team.

while Atsumu moved on to scan the other players, Kiyoomi glanced back at him. he too had heard a lot about the setter.

"hm? who's that?" Motoya Komori asked after tracing his cousin's gaze.

"Miya Atsumu."

"eh, the guy who got named as Japan's best high school setter? I'm getting chills just thinking about training with him..."

Motoya started walking, but Kiyoomi lingered on Atsumu for a while longer, wondering what about him was so familiar.

《 ☆ 》

after the young volleyball players had settled into their rooms, it was time to gather at the gym for introductions.

as Kiyoomi walked into the gym, one of the coaches stopped him and asked him to take his face mask off. irritated, he complied to the request.

Atsumu was watching the interaction from afar and felt sorry for the ace, assuming he felt more comfortable with the mask on. but as Kiyoomi removed his mask and looked around the court, Atsumu panicked a little. not only were those dark eyes beautiful, he definitely felt attracted to the other player now.

Atsumu shook his head and looked away. he couldn't think like that about someone he would be training with for a few days, it could make things complicated.

when all of the players were standing infront of the coaches in two lines, Kiyoomi saw movement in the corner of his eye. he glanced at the direction of Atsumu and saw him struggling with... keeping his balance?

the ace smiled slightly in amusement and thought 'what an idiot...' to himself. his cousin noticed the expression and smiled as well, knowing it took quite a bit to make the tall dark haired boy smile.

after introductions, the boys were given a spiking excercise as warmup. Kageyama and Miya were assigned as the setters while the others rotated through them.

there it was, Atsumu's first time setting for Kiyoomi. he made sure to make it a good one, after all he wanted to impress the ace and bring out the best of him at same time.

the setter watched as the black haired spiker jumped before his eyes, spiking the ball with graceful force. Atsumu was amazed. he knew this player was something special and he wanted to know more.

"woah, nice kill!" he complimented the ace.

Kiyoomi smirked smugly and replied: "thanks. though your set could've been better."

those words struck Atsumu and fired up his inner perfectionist.

"is that so? I'll hafta get better for mr. perfection then..."

the black haired guy turned his back to the blonde, clicking his tongue before he smiled to himself again.

something about this guy's presence felt different from the others. Kiyoomi felt like talking with Atsumu came naturally, which wasn't something he could say about many people. and that thought awakened a new feeling inside the boy, though he didn't quite understand it at the moment.

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hi hi!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the sun and his moon and are looking forward to reading more c:

hopefully I'll see you in the next one, have a good day <3

- A.

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