welcome back

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present day

it was the first day of university. Kiyoomi Sakusa was standing in a corner, as far away from the other people as possible.

despite having his headphones on, the large crowd around him was giving him anxiety. he squeezed his eyes shut and wished for a savior of some sort.

and his wish came true.

he felt a light tap on his shoulder and opened his eyes, only to be met with the familiar hazel eyes and warm smile of his bestfriend.

"Omi, how are ya holdin' up?" Atsumu asked with concern showing through his voice.

the black haired boy sighed against his mask and pulled his headphones down.

"better now that you're here."

Atsumu grinned and grabbed the anxious boy's arm. even after a year, he only touched Kiyoomi over clothes, so he could be sure he didn't make the other one uncomfortable.

"close yer eyes, I'll keep ya safe from the strangers", the blonde declared bravely before starting to pull his friend through the crowd.

Kiyoomi did what was asked. he trusted Atsumu more than anyone else, he felt safe with him. there was no hiding it; the blonde and the dark haired boy were each other's favorite people.

they had become inseparable during the year they had known each other. despite living quite far away, they stayed in touch and saw each other as much as possible during the holidays. especially on spring break, which they had spent together completely.

《 ☆ 》

after the long day, Kiyoomi returned to his dorm. he hadn't seen Atsumu since lunch, after all, they didn't have much of the same classes.

he was sitting by the open window, reading a book and enjoying the light breeze. he gazed out, wondering when his roommate would come back.

the handle was pressed down and a bleached blonde pushed the door open, peeking inside. his presence wasn't noticed, so he closed the door as quietly as possible.

Atsumu stood by the doorway, admiring the curly head who was absorbed by his book. the aura around him was cool, yet homey, not to mention how dreamy his look was. the blonde smiled and snuck a photo of his roommate.

he was selfish, wanting to be the only one who could see Kiyoomi like this. after appreciating the moment a while longer, the boy cleared his throat.

the dark boy snapped out of his book and moved his gaze to the direction of the sound.

"Atsu", Kiyoomi smiled softly, "welcome back."

Atsumu's heart melted. this wasn't the first time Kiyoomi called him by a nickname, but after missing him for most of the day and seeing his genuine smile... the boy could've died happy.

"did ya miss me?" the blonde teased in a more flirtatious tone than was intended.

"not really..." the black haired boy mumbled and went back to reading his book.

"huh!? what do ya mean not really?!" the shocked setter rushed to his friend and pouted, "I'm not afraid to admit I missed ya, hmph."

Kiyoomi chuckled and ruffled the fluffy blonde hair in front of him.

"okay, maybe I missed you too, but you need a shower."

Atsumu's heart felt like it was growing. he grinned at the other boy before doing as he requested.


while his friend was taking a shower, Kiyoomi had moved to sit on the bed. the bathroom door opened and he looked up from the book.

he saw the blonde, whose hair was still dripping wet, and he couldn't look away. he watched as a drop of water rolled down the side of Atsumu's face. he glanced into the hazel eyes quickly before turning his head away.

the confused blonde tilted his head.

"is somethin' wrong, Omi?"

"nope, not at all."

"aight... do ya mind if I practice my guitar then?"

the curly haired boy shook his head. he loved listening to Atsumu's guitar; it sounded like home to him now. he hoped someday he'd be confident enough to sing along while the guitarist played his instrument.

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this chapter was a short one, sorry for that! hope you liked the fluff tho~

we're finally at the present day, yayy. and yes, Atsu is now a guitarist, I couldn't resist it.

you'll have to wait and see where this goes c;

- A.

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