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on a weekday after volleyball practice, the setter and wing spiker duo decided to grab takeout sushi before heading home to shower.

the germaphobe went first, while his partner put the groceries into the fridge. once he got out, he changed into the most comfortable outfit he could find: a bland t-shirt and sweatpants. he sat on the couch and took his phone out while waiting.

a click was heard and the door opened. Kiyoomi raised his head and looked up at the person in front of him.

the black eyes locked onto the blonde walking out of the bathroom. his damp hair was a mess, and there were a few drops of water, that he had missed with the towel, running down his bare chest.

the curlyhead felt something new inside him. a raging fire, burning brightly within him. he knew it was because of Atsumu. the sight in front of him clouded his mind; he couldn't think straight. all he knew was that he longed for intimacy suddenly.

Kiyoomi stood up and walked over to his boyfriend. he gripped onto the hips covered by a towel and pulled the other closer.

"fuck, you're hot..." he breathed close to Atsumu's ear, giving the boy goosebumps and a blush.

he looked into the hazel eyes before crashing his lips onto the blonde's and kissing him deeply. Atsumu held onto his shoulders, leaning into the kiss, which was turning into a makeout session.

Kiyoomi pressed closer against Atsumu, who was already backed up against the wall. he had to part from the sweet lips for air, and looked at the boy who was awakening something in him. they were both panting with flushed cheeks.

"you're driving me insane, Atsumu", the curly head murmured before attacking the tempting neck in front of him with kisses.

he made sure to suck on a few spots softly, gradually putting more pressure on the flawless skin with every kiss.

a soft moan could be heard, letting Kiyoomi know he was doing something right. he kept sucking on the same spot for a while longer before pulling away, earning a quiet whimper from Atsumu.

he went back to kissing the lips he felt addicted to already, but this time the kiss was sloppier than before. 

suddenly he pulled away, looking away from his boyfriend.

"Omi..?" the blonde called out.

"sorry, I don't know what came over me", the black haired boy apologized as he let go of the other and took a few steps back.

"wait, Omi, don't start panicking!"

a hand grabbed Kiyoomi's, making him look back at the caring boy in front of him.

"first of all, I liked it, like a lot", a faint blush could be seen on Atsumu's face, "and secondly, we can talk 'bout it if ya want, or we can never mention it again, if ya prefer that. it's up to ya."

the wing spiker started to feel overwhelmingly emotional. he had been consumed by something completely unknown to him, but he had the most understanding and considerate boyfriend to make sure he could deal with it in the exact way he wished to.

Kiyoomi smiled softly before suggesting: "I'd like a mix of those... distract me tonight, and once I've thought about it on my own for a bit, we could talk about it together..?"

Atsumu nodded happily.

"sounds great!"

he kissed the black haired boy's cheek.

"I'll get dressed 'n then we'll eat, yea?"

"yeah, I can set the sushi out", Kiyoomi offered.

"sure! oh, also... can I borrow a hoodie of yers?" Atsumu's voice was so sincere and his eyes filled with anticipation.

Kiyoomi couldn't help but smile. with most people he would never let them even touch his clothes, but with Atsumu, everything was different. throughout the time they had spent together, the germaphobe had become comfortable little by little. and since they were already living together, there was no way to avoid the germs. especially with that much kissing...

"of course. you can borrow them anytime."

Kiyoomi went to the kitchen corner of their room to set their dinner onto plates neatly. he took out two small dishes and poured soy sauce into them before bringing everything over to the table by the couch and sitting down.

not too long after, Atsumu joined him, wearing a hoodie that belonged to the curly head. Kiyoomi smiled, adoring his boyfriend.

"it looks better on you, I'd say", he said with a slight blush on his cheeks.

the blonde snickered.

"that's just 'cause ya don't know how freakin' attractive ya are!"

the color on the pink cheeks got darker and Kiyoomi turned his head away. he felt Atsumu lean over and place a kiss on his cheek.

"c'mon Omi, there's no need to be so embarrassed", the blonde teased.

"I'm sorry..."

"huh? ya don't need to apologize for anythin', silly."

"but I'm sorry for being so awkward and not knowing what I'm doing, I mean just earlier-", Kiyoomi was cut off by someone pulling him against their chest and hugging him tightly.

"shhh, stop overthinkin' it, Omi", his boyfriend spoke softly while his hand travelled up to the dark hair, "don't ya dare apologize for bein' yerself. there's a reason I fell in love with ya, 'n it's 'cause of who ya are. I love ya the way ya are Omi, never forget that. 'n what comes to not knowin' how to do these things... I'm not really experienced either, so we'll figure it out together, yea? so don't go thinkin' ya make me feel uncomfortable or somethin'! if ya do, I'll tell ya. that's how communication works 'n I plan on doing my best with ya."

the blonde paused and pulled away slightly to look into the glimmering black eyes.

"I'm in this for the long run, ya know. I don't want this to be temporary. I've had feelings for ya since that very first night we were vulnerable with each other, 'n they've only grown stronger as time's passed, so I know my feelings will last a long time."

Kiyoomi looked up at the hazel eyes that were filled with love, for him and him only. he had never felt so at peace and happy at the same time.

"you're not proposing, are you?" he teased the blonde with a crooked smile.

"not yet", the boy grinned, "but one day I will."

the curly head felt the blood rush to his cheeks once again. his mind was racing around the thoughts from being proposed to by Atsumu to getting married and spending the rest of his life with him.

the curly head buried his face in the blonde's chest, wrapping his arms around the other's torso.

"how are ya so cute, Omi-Omi?"

the familiar pair of arms embraced Kiyoomi once again and he smiled. maybe he did want to spend eternity with one person; with his Atsu.

"I love it when ya get clingy like this... do it more", Atsumu admitted.

the black eyes looked up at him.

"and I love you, Atsu."

"I love ya too, Omi, so much."

after those words were said, the blonde cupped his partner's flushed cheeks and the two kissed each other with so much affection. but there was still more love in their hearts to be given out. not to mention their feelings for each other would still keep growing even bigger.

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