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Anna's POV
"Ma'am." I said opening her door.

"I told you to stay out there!" She groaned in frustration.

"A package came in for you." I said and she looked at me.

She got up excitedly and grabbed the package slamming the door shut in my face.

"I hate this job so much." I muttered. I stood in front of the door.

A little while later the door opened and I felt someone run into me.

"Oh. Why are you standing in front of my door." She said and I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes and walked downstairs. Jesus her house is fucking big...

I followed her and she  looked at me again.

"Why are you following me?" She said stopping.

"Because I'm your bodyguard." I snarked.

She went into the fridge and got some strawberries. I looked at her confused.

"You have people to make food for you." I said.

"I prefer no one touching my fruits." She said.

Oh so she's one of those people....

She cut the roots off and grabbed some Nutella. I watched her melt the Nutella in a bowl and dip the strawberry in.

"Stop watching me." She said and I scoffed looking around.

"Do you want one?" I heard her say.

"A what?" I asked.

"A chocolate strawberry. Man do you not see?" She snarked at me.

"I can see just fine your the one who told me not to look at you." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'll take that has a no." She said.

"Wait. I'll have one I guess." I said.

"Nope. You already made your mind." She said. I stood behind her and took one of them.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"Mm... delicious." I mumbled licking my fingers.

"Don't touch my strawberries." She said angrily.

"Chill. It's a strawberry you will be fine." I said.

It's about 11 at night so everywhere in her house is dark.

"Do you have a place to sleep?" She asked me.

"Yes." I mumbled.

They gave me a shitty bed. The bed was rock hard and my back would have problems.

God I'm gonna be one of those dad people with the worst back problems.

"Where is it?" She asked.

"Bottom Floor." I muttered.

"Why is it on the first floor. We don't have bedrooms on the first floor," she said putting everything away.

"It's just a floor where most of the bodyguards sleep in." I mumbled.

She looked at me before busting out laughing. She would not stop laughing and I just stood there staring at her.

"Oh my god! You live with a bunch of random people?!" She said laughing really hard.

I stood there unamused as she kept laughing. When she got done she was still laughing a little.

"Are you done now?" I asked her and she nodded snickering.

"Why don't you sleep in my room. And on the floor or the couch. My bed is my bed." She said and I shook my head no.

"Why not. I'm sure you don't wanna live in a attic for 20 years." She snickered.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Will you get me the wine that's in the fridge?" She asked me as I grabbed it.

"Thank you." She said.

She turned around eating a strawberry and pouring not one but two glasses of wine. She jumped on top of the counter sitting on top of it and eating the strawberries one by one.

She handed me a glass and I shook my head no.

"Oh Cmon its nearly 12 loosen up a little. It's not like there's going to be a kidnapper coming in at 1 in the morning. We have better security than that." She said and I sighed taking a sip.

"So... tell me about yourself. Bodyguard." She said pulling my tie making my entire frame come closer.

She pulled me closer making my cheeks heat up. I was so close to her and I felt her knee close to my area.

"I- uhm." I muttered.

"Aww... this is cute. Your not so tough." She said.

I pulled away and fixed myself before she smiled.

"So? Tell me about yourself." She said.

"What do you want to know miss?" J said fixing my tie that I was afraid that it was gonna undo.

I hate ties. I can't ever do them and I had someone do it for me.

"Anything. I wanna know everything about you since I'm gonna be stuck with your ass for another 20 years." She said.

"Uhm... I was born in Michigan. I have two brothers one goes to college and another that's younger than me." I said and she nodded.

"What's your mom like?" She asked me.

"She's like any mom but the best one. She would make these cucumbers and peanut butter snacks for me when I was younger." I said and she smiled but it quickly died.

"And your dad?" She said.

"I have a step dad. My mom divorced my dad. And my step dad is the best. We use to go shopping a lot." And again she smiled but it died so fast.

"I'm going to bed. You can come if you choose too but I'm not gonna force you." She said and I nodded.

She sounded so sad... why?

"Hey no what's wrong?" I said stopping her.

"Nothing. Now please I would like to sleep?" She said.

She looked me dead in the eyes and I stepped aside letting her go. She went into her room and I stood outside again.

My legs were really sore from standing up all day. An hour late I opened the door to see her passed out on her bed with her chocolate strawberries on her lap and wine glass on her desk.

I took the strawberries and covered her up. I felt her grab my arm.

"Couch. Now." She said and I looked over at the couch they looked so comfy right now.

"You can wear one of my big t-shirts." She mumbled.

She got up stumbling. She grabbed my shoulder to balance herself.

"Wear that." She said throwing the shirt at my face. I grumbled and took my jacket off.

She climbed in bed and snuggled right into her pillow. I looked at her first before unbuttoning my button up.

When I took it off throwing it to the side I could see her taking sneak peaks. I took off my belt and my pants setting them aside too.

I plugged my phone in with the extra charger already laid out for me.

She knew I was gonna come in....

When I was left in my boxers and bra I could just see the whites of her London's eyes taking a look at me.

I smirked and put the t-shirt over. I didn't bother getting a blanket so I just laid on the couch and curled up falling asleep fast.

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