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London's Pov
I never felt safe with anyone other than Anna most times.Which in hopes is why she would take the deal.

I don't say that I don't value my life I just never got that much affection and wasn't able to see the world to the way I see it now.

I've already seen out amazing but how cruel the world already is. I honestly wouldn't care to see me gone.

I looked out the window of my office seeing everything. I was on one of the highest buildings ever.

"Miss Anderson." I heard seeing Sam.

"I mean London..." she said handing me files.

I skimmed through them when one caught my attention. I looked through it as it was a letter.

Dear Miss Anderson,
I know what's going on with your family. The Andersons case that has been going on for years for the FBI and your apart of it. Your their next target and I hope you read this. Meet me on the south corner street of the Taco place tonight and we can talk there, don't bring or tell anyone, remember this is your life we are talking about.


"What." I mumbled.

I decided to throw it away as I skimmed through the rest and throwing the spams in the trash. I sat in my chair and going through emails that I didn't let Sam go through.

"Aww... Pluto." I said as Anna sent me a text with her and Pluto.

Suddenly a new gmail came through as I looked at it.

Don't you dare throw that letter away. This could mean your life.


I stared at the letter in the trash as I just shut my computer.

"God that was wierd..." I mumbled rubbing my tempels as I left my office.

"Uhh Sam will you order chipotle. And get you something else my card." I said handing her my card.

I have two cards that access to two separate bank account. My account and the company's account which is used to repair damage or buy food for the employees which happened normally.

I treat my employees the way they treat me and most of them do treat me with respect but some go off on me. So I react the same way and than they go to their families and tell them how much of a bitch I am.

"Oh... and... get donuts for the 7th and 4th floor... they deserve it today." I said and she nodded leaving.

I walked around my building meeting up with people and the ones that have questions for me.

"Miss someone tried to rob a shipment of ours..." she said showing me a footage.

"Thank you Shiloh. Report it to the FBI." I said.

"Why not the police? I wouldn't think this is a big matter." Ahe said.

"No... because they have a sign on the back of their jackets." I said.

"Actually... I'm gonna have you pair up with someone to work with. I'll take care of this, thank you Shiloh." I said and she nodded as I took a picture of it and sent it to Anna see if she could get into further investigation.

I kept going down the line of office occasionally talking with my employees and setting respect for them I hope they show the same way back.

It was just in time for Sam to get back with my food as I kindly took it and went back to my office.

I sat down before feeling something off about my office. I got up and looked around to see my bathroom open.

I never have my bathroom door opened. I slowly open the door to see a paper taped to the mirror.

I told you to stop ignoring me. I'll personally come to you if you don't respond or come tonight. This is not a joke to be played around with.


"I guess... I'll meet them." I said looking at the paper.

I turned it to the back to see a symbol. I rushed to the trash can to see the same symbol. Except the one that was in the bathroom this one was written in blood.

I sent these pictures to Anna has I sat down eating my food.

Anna's POV
"London just sent me pictures of the same symbol. She's been getting notes from anonymous people." I said hanging them up.

"Detective Shumate." I heard seeing the forensics.

"The letters match up. If you combine the notes that are written it's the same handwriting. Same grammer same words spelt out wrongly." She said handing me them.

A year ago the killer left a note at the scene playing and telling us a joke.

"They always mange to fuck it up." I said.

I read the notes that had been sent to London when I realized that they were meeting tonight.

"Finley! Check this address being the dog too." I said and she nodded leaving immediately.

I went to the office considering it's late she could be working late. The building was shut down as I opened the doors quietly.

London gave me a key to her entire building in case something happened.

London's Pov
I decided not to go. That was smart because they were so weird about it.

I was working on a late project that's dealing with the company in Sacramento area. I sighed as I took a drink from my coffee.

I got up to refill my coffee has I went out of my office. I refilled my coffee and went back to see someone sitting in my chair.

"Haha very funny Anna. Get out of my chair it's leather and I don't want your nasty hands on it." I said setting my coffee down.

"Oh sweetheart..." I heard seeing a girl with dirty blond just like Anna's but she had a gun in her hand.

"Sit." She said as I shook my head.

"Why would I listen to you." She said before feeling a hole of a gun on my back.

"Because I'm willing to blow your head off right now." She said and I gulped sitting down.

"Now... lets see. We tried warning you. Three letters sent out and you sent them to the FBI?" She said.

"Am I wrong sweetheart?" She asked as she lifted my chin with the cold gun.

"I-I didn't know who i-it was." I stuttered.

"Sucks... we could have been the best business partners!" She said with a psychotic tone.

"Now. Just relax." She said as I looked at before feeling a needle in my thigh.

I panicked as I got up. My phone was in my jacket pocket if I can just call Anna...

Suddenly I was in a head lock. I was getting weaker...

"Smash it." I heard seeing my phone smashed to pieces.

Great. Was really hoping to not have to buy a phone later on.

My eyes fell heavy as I limped out into the guys arms. Last thing I saw was the girls smirk and the gun in her hand.

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