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London's Pov
I watched the sun rise from the horizon. After that I started to pack around quietly while Anna laid half naked in my bed.

I laughed as I stuck a note on her forehead telling her I would be at my company. I than went out and got in my car. The sweet ride I treated myself on my birthday that I spent by myself because I didn't want to socialize with anyone else.

It was a Porsche and it a sweet grey color that I absolutely love. When I park into my spot I have Sam meet me as she looked at me.

"Your... glowing." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Oh my god you got laid!!" She yelled as I looked at her and laughed.

"No! You did! You were smiling all the way to the elevator!" She said.

"And? What if I just had a great morning?" I asked.

"Which speaking, call someone I need them to get Toby from the vet. I dropped him off today and I want him here for work." I said and she nodded.

"I wonder who you got laid with? Oh my god..." she said hesitating.

"WAS IT WITH ANNA SHUMATE?!" She yelled making me cover her mouth.

"Will you keep it down?!" I yelled and she smirked.

"So it was? I knew I heard sounds coming from your bedroom as a maid." She said and I froze.

"Sam. Go pick up files." I said and she just walked out of the elevator giggling.


I heard a call through as the security spoke to me.

"Hello?" I mumbled writing down and printing documents out in my printer.

"I'm patching you through." He said and without letting me speak I heard Anna.

"YOU BETTER FUCKING LET ME IN! YOUR DOG PEED ON MY PANTS." She yelled through the phone before clearing her voice to a more formal way.

"Thank you." She said ending the call.

"Let her in Jax." I said rolling my eyes.

A few minutes later I heard stomping all the way to my office. The door opened and there stood Toby as he ran up to me. I laughed as he gave me kisses and he jumped up.

"Hi Anna." I saw her as I saw a long wet spot on her pant leg. I snickered as she rolled her eyes.

"You got any clothes I can borrow?" She asked me.

"Ooh uhm... yes, I just had Sam pick up some from the dry cleaners. They are little too big for me so you can have them." I said and she groaned before going to my bathroom and changing.

I let Toby in my lap as his ears flopped to side to side.

"Clearly he's not potty-trained." Anna said as I took that offensive.

"I potty trained him myself." I said speaking highly of myself.

"That about explains it than." She said and I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Toby us well trained. I trained him myself. See?" I said asking Toby for paw as he gave me his paw.

I smiled giving him a treat before telling him to roll over and then putting another treat.

"He's also patient." I said before getting on my knees and putting a treat on the broad of his nose and telling him to wait before walking away.

"Bite!" I yelled an ate it straight away.

"See? He just got a little too excited. Plus you can't say no to a cute doggy." I said sitting behind Toby and scratching behind is ear and flopping his ears.

Anna just rolled her eyes and groaned at me as I laughed.

"Cmon..." I whispered.

"He's such a cute puppy." I said setting my head on Toby's head has he panted.

"I... guess he's cute. But he's not even a puppy anymore." She said as I gasped in pain.

"That is so not true! He's my puppy, my child." I said wrapping my arms around him and rubbing his chest as I knew he liked to be pet there.

"Oh how's Pluto by the way?" I ask.

"Oh he's great. He's just back at home y'know chilling... which I'll have to get back too." she said.

"You should bring him over. Toby would love to meet an old friend." I said and she smiled.

She stood behind me as I rubbed Toby's belly before feeling Anna's hand on my chin raising it up.

She placed an upside down kiss on my lips before smiling. I laughed as we corrected ourselves getting a proper kiss.

"Oh... am I interrupting?" I heard seeing Sam making the both of us split away.

"Y'know knocking a a thing know... all you gotta do is just tap with your knuckles?" I said and she just snickered and giggled before leaving.

"We're not finished discussing about the safe house. But if you want and still need to run this... stupid business..." she said hesitating.

"I'll let someone follow you around and that's the final offer." I said.

"Will you be following me around? Like old times?" I asked and she froze up.

"I... I'm in charge of the case. I would but I can't." She said kissing the top of my heads

"Than I don't agree. Fuck my life." I said before hearing her groan.

"This is not over!" She yelled and I snickered before feeding Toby food and going back to work.

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