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London's Pov
"I'm going to the park? You want to come?" I asked Anna who looked at me.

She nodded but I got closer to her. My height was just to her mouth so believing a couple inches short I was still determined to get this in her little brain of hers.

"You come has a colleague. Not a bodyguard." I said and she raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Are you doing illegal things?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"I just don't want a bodyguard. I wanna feel like a normal person. So wear normal clothes or don't come at all." I said.

"And just call me London.. don't call me anything else so it feels normal." I said and she nodded.

"Thank you." I mumbled leaving her to be in my closet with clothes.

I wear oversized stuff because I hate wearing clothes at are tight to my skin.

She came out with jeans and a sweatshirt. I looked at her and smiled.

"Finally... a regular, normal day." I mumbled fixing the sweatshirt drawstrings.


I walked around with Anna as I felt the cool breeze on my face. The trees were starting to turn brown and red. It's going to be winter soon.

"Coffee?" I asked her and she nodded taking me to the coffee shop by the park.

We visited and drank some coffee. As well as getting dark too. If I'm honest.. I feel safe when I'm with Anna.

"So uhm... what happened? To your other bodyguard?" She spoke up which made me surprised.

"Oh he just... didn't make it." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I just rather not talk about him..." I said and she nodded.

That day that we hooked up was never spoken about. We just went on with our lives like it was a forbidden day.

"You look cold." She said.

"I am very cold. But it's okay cause we will be going home soon?" I asked her and she nodded as we stood up to go out.

We were walking out of the coffee shop as the moon was already risen. I looked around and it was kinda creepy.

I was holding Anna's hand to keep her close but the next minute I was in agonizing pain on the ground.

But.. it all happened so fast...

Anna's POV
"911 what's your emergency?" I called on the phone.

"She's been shot. Sniper seems to be a Barret M82." I said as I took my sweatshirt off trying to tie it on top of the wound.

"What's your name?" The person on the phone said and I groaned.

"Field Agent from the FBI. Anna Shumate." I said.

"I'm on the coffee shop near by Rosbury road. Northwest street down Avenue off of I20. Get here fast." I said ending the call.

"Hello!" I heard Garret on the other side.

"Shut the fuck up I need help. The Rosebury Coffee shop the one where we met. Stat." I said.

"Bring the others. We have a killer on top of the hotel." I said.

I looked at London who seemed to be half awake.

"Hey hey... easy... I'll be right back alright?" I said putting a flashlight on flashing mode before grabbing a gun and going into the hotel.

"Clear the top floor!" I yelled showing my badge as the guy was making calls.

I rushed up the stairs pushing past people. When I got to the roof I made sure to try and clear the area.

I made sure my gun was in front of me aiming as I checked everywhere.

"Goddamnit." I whispered.

I watched as the ambulance arrived to the flashing flashlight as they loaded London into the back.


"You don't think the father would kill his own daughter?" Garret asked me.

"No... I don't think. It doesn't matter. Clearly someone is not out for Mr. Anderson. They've been out for London." I said.

"Right... where was she shot?" He asked me.

I walked over in front of the coffee shop about 25 meters away. I had dragged London behind a big tree before running off to find the shooter.

"So on top of the hotel... maybe cornering a shot from the left side." He said and I nodded.

"Get me to the hospital. She was unconscious the entire time. This case hasn't fallen through yet so my cover isn't blown just yet." I said as I got in the car.

"Stomp it Garret!" I yelled putting the flashing light on the top of our car.

I slammed the car door running into the hospital.

"London Anderson?" I asked and they guy looked at me.

"She's going into surgery now." He said and I sighed.

That's when Mr. Anderson walked through demanding to see the daughter. I quickly took off my FBI jacket throwing it into the pile. Grabbing a doctors jacket.

"You are... Dr. Finn?" I heard as I looked at them.

"Uhh yeah. Im looking for a patient. London Anderson?" I asked her.

"Oh silly. You can watch the surgery from above. It's maxed out numbers in the OR. Should have gotten here sooner if you wanted to pitch in." She said.

"OR number is 3." She said and I nodded following the signs.

When I reached it I saw London under anesthesia. A tube in her mouth as she opened up and with a bullet.

"She's going into Cardiac arrest!" I heard.

"Hold on. I'm nearly there." The doctor said who was trying to get the bullet out.

When he did get the bullet out the monitor flatlined with a straight line as they tried to proceed with caution against her.

They were getting defibrillators as my leg started it bounced up and down really fast.

"Dr. Finn? I thought you went home?"

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