Chapter 7

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Welcome to Chapter 7 of this crossover event - thank you everyone for all the love and support you have provided so far to this story - in this chapter two pictures are present - enjoy!!!

On the Jet heading back to Beacon Hills

Noah's mouth dropped open when he arrived at the airfield and spotted the BAU jet, he had heard stories about it but it is so much different in person. He was amazed at the space inside but didn't have long to marvel at it as everyone arrived and they were quickly off towards Beacon Hills once more.

"Alright, let us continue where we started in the office. Is there anything else you need to share?" Hotch advises once the plane reaches cruising altitude and they are able to all sit around together to go through the findings.

"So due to how Alby, Chuck and Winston reappeared, I kept an eye out for any random appearances of people on town borders or missing people suddenly reappearing. If you cast your eyes to the screen showing the group when we saw them escaping the WCKD port; she the little cutie Alby identified as Jack, well he reappeared around about two weeks before Winston did but it never came across on our search due to the search parameters we had in place at the time." Garcia advises placing up the new picture of Jack that had been uploaded to the database upon his discovery.

"We also determined that Stiles must be with the Right Arm and they should have a secondary location where Stiles would be right now. Depending on whether there is tracking on the container they may take it back there, we are looking at abandoned places with a lot of room. We have mainly focusing out search nearer to the coastal areas but we believe they are still within the California area." Noah advises as Garcia pulls up the map of the area showing the search radius expanding out from Beacon Hills to the surrounding areas in all directions, everyone notices the two bases they have already raided appear within this circle.

"What I never could figure out with WCKD, is why they remained in roughly the same area as to where the people they kidnapped was from?" Rafael advises as those they have identified as victims of WCKD flag up all within the current search radius.

"Place they are most comfortable and if you think they have been doing this for so many years without been caught, why would that have changed anything? So right now, we need to find the main headquarters within this comfort zone as that is where the train is heading and WCKD are preparing their final stand." Reid advises zooming within the search zone, highlighting out the train tracks that WCKD was using at the time Stiles and his team acquired the train carriage.

Silence after this filled the small aeroplane as some decided to catch some rest while Garcia dived further into WCKD's background trying to find the possible location of the main headquarters. Rafael and Noah headed to make a coffee before sitting down away from each other, Rafael suggested something as Noah's face was telling him that he may have worked something out.

"Alright spill, I have seen that face enough times on Stiles to know that look. What is it?" Rafael asks as Noah chuckles placing his mug down but not answering Rafael's question right away.

"I guess you now know where Stiles got the look from, that is probably why I never can win at Poker." Noah jokes still avoiding the question Rafael has asked before picking up his coffee again and taking slow sips before placing it back down and looking out the window.

"Noah! Stop avoiding the question, what's going on?" Rafael states leaning forward, as he notices out of the corner of his eye that they are now been listened too.

"Just all of this happening is making me think of the time with the Ghost Riders, mainly after we remembered him once again, but couldn't find him." Noah states as a few tears escape his eyes before he quickly wipes them away, he still sometimes had nightmares of that times but hides them from Stiles.

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