Chapter 15

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Welcome to Chapter 15 - wow what can I say this story has just reached 2k views which is amazing -  thank you all for reading, voting and commenting - as a thank you and apology for the delay updating, this is an extra long chapter with the reveal of the ship along with a video - enjoy!!

Silence fell over the plane as they began the wait and wonder stage, knowing Stiles's fate rested on someone that had already betrayed him twice before in his life. Noah had calmed down enough for Rafael to make arrangements for Newt to be transported to another berg to be taken to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital where Melissa was waiting for him.

"Noah, the decision has been made for you to accompany Newt along with Scott. Right now, we need to focus on helping Stiles and we can't concentrate on that if we are having to restrain yourself. This is an order not a request!" Hotch states firmly unlocking the cuffs on Noah, the Sheriff opened his mouth to argue but the stern look on Hotch's face made him swiftly realise there was no talking him around this time.

After a quick rendezvous with Noah, Scott and Newt handed over ready to be transported to Beacon Hills, Jorge moved the Berg back into position within minutes of the roof top of the building currently been destroyed by The Resistance.

"Garcia and Lydia, any updates you can provide at all please?" Rossi asks the duo who had been quietly working on trying to gain access to more footage but with the explosions on the building interrupting not only damaging the structural integrity but also the power to the building, this meant to the security cameras were coming on and offline intermittently.

"A whole lot of nothing currently." Garcia advises her voice breaking as she regains her emotions, she knew right now Stiles needed her full focus no matter what the outcome may end up being.

"Come on Baby Girl, you got be able to give us something. Even just a quick peek, we can guess with Stiles been hurt that they are probably in the same room we last had footage from." Morgan states hoping the use of her favourite nickname may help to ground her enough to focus and get them what they need.

"Derek Morgan did I ever tell you how much I love you, alright if we divert all the remaining power, we are receiving from the other cameras on irrelevant sections we can boost the power and..." Garcia starts fast talking to the point no one can understand what she is saying, expect maybe Lydia who starts typing on the screen she has been monitoring as Garcia had rambled along.

"Did anyone else understand what she just said?" Rafael asks looking towards the BAU and the others on the Berg, a mix of nods and head shakes are the reply he receives.

"Got it, managed to reroute the power into the Lab they are currently present in; the feed is not the greatest so please bear with it." Lydia announces as the main screen changes from Lydia and Garcia to a dark Lab where the lights are flickering, the only sound currently that can be heard is heavy breathing, slight snarls and sparking from broken computers.

"Is it safe to open my eyes yet?" Garcia asks as the others remain looking at the screen mouths dropped open slightly, all of them with the same thought on their mind currently.

"Yeah it is safe, I turned the feed off as no longer needed." Lydia advises as her and Garcia return to full screen.

"Nothing more we can do from our side, stay strong my loves. We will meet you at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital." Garcia states before a quick wave goodbye and the screen shuts off leaving the Berg in silence once more.

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